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69 [[checkmark]] Ben Johnson Col vs Wm B Davis   Feb 10/68
Claims some furniture & Shoemaker tools  no grounds for complaints, it belongs to Davis    Closed

70 [[checkmark]] Dick, Harry. & Armstead Col vs Mrs P Simms Feb 10 
Claims of $20/100 Settled by giving one cow & calf & some peas  Closed

71 [[checkmark]] Henry Miller Col VS Henry Remmiger   Feb 10
Dispute about a wagon  Civil Court not settled S[[?]] c[[?]] ordered a Settlement  Case open   left to Civil Court

72 [[checkmark]] Henry Miller Col VS James Stewart Col    Feb 10
Claims $20/100 borrowed money summoned parties to appear  got nothing Give a note for amount due  Closed

73 [[checkmark]] Jenny Myer Col VS Kellogg & White   Feb 10
Complains for his share of the crop
Summoned parties to appear Feb
Settlement made Freedmen in debt

74 [[checkmark]] Washington Hamilton Col VS Francis Wall   Feb 10
Complaints for his share of the crop  
parties appear  no grounds for complaint


75  [[checkmark]] Dolly Green Col VS Robert McClouney   Feb 10/68
Claims for share of the crop for 1866  ordered Settlement at once   Dolly $30.00 in debt

76 [[checkmark]] Joseph Lively Col VS W D Postlthwaite   Feb 10/68
Claims for wages  parties appear as ordered
Called a Board of Arbitrators  Settled & awarded Lively $179/100 & ten bales of cotton
to be divided among lots the rest of the hands
Settled, Freedmen well testified

77 [[checkmark]] James Moore Col VS Joseph Davis   Feb 12/68
Claims a watch. no grounds for claim 

78 [[checkmark]] Livina Wharton Col. VS. Lawyer Jones   Feb 12/68
Claims pay for washing  in debt to Jones for board 
Case dismissed & closed

79  [[checkmark]] Charles Alexander Col VS C. M. Logan  Feb 12 
failed to appear as summoned. Sent Sherif after him Feb. 13 1868. Case Settled $1 00/00 Coming to Freedmen

80 [[checkmark]] Caroline Harris VS Stephen Flowers Col   Feb 12
Claims pay for 2 weeks board & washing of 5 Day Clothes  Summnd to appear & letter Feb 13/68  paid Caroline $10.00