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63 64 48 Joe Harris Cold vs John Green March 29 /68 Complaint for share of the crops 1866 Sumd parties contract lost no records and no witness to substantiate complaint - case dismissed c 49 Samuel Taylor Cold vs Albert Jacob March 30 /68 Complaint for having overcharged him for provisions during the year 1867 sent for parties and books books examined and found correct no evidence to prove the contrary Case dismissed 50 J.M. Deloct vs Ceasar Brown Cold march 30 /68 Complaint is Brown and 8 more hands working on the Monterico plantation and no visible means of support. also that they stealing and pilfering my thing in the neighborhood, having sent for parties and enquired in to the cas, I find no grounds for complaint and order Brown to remian at the same time giving Brown a letter to protect him from any other such assault 51 Charles Owen Cold vs Washington Farris March 30 /68 Complaint about $12.00 for having killed a hog Summoned parties to appear Case investigated Farris giving Owen his choice on some cotton a wow and five pigs from both Satisfied 52 William Arnold Col vs Ed Haynes Col March 31 /68 Complains abut $10.00 for wood chopping Summoned parties Case satisfactorily settled. 53 William Arnold col fs Ed Haynes March 31 /68 Complaint about $3.00 been owed money Summoned parties to appear Esex has nothing witness not good Case dismissed 54 Betsey Walker Col vs Louisa Hutchings Col March 31 /68 Complaint about $5.00 due 16 months for midwifery labor her employer sent for Betsey and pays her $5.00 and takes a lien on Louisas Crop for the amount 55 Four Freedmen claims the moveable March 30 /68 property of Dr. R.C. Ford, for services rendered during the year 1867. property made over to Freedmen and secured from Levy or attachment by other parties with whom Dr is in debt 56 Donny Mars Col vs M.B. Rea teacher March 31 /68 Complaint about $2.50 Summoned parties case settled Mrs Rea pays the $2.50 57 Mrs. M.B. Rea vs Donny Mars Col March 31 /68 Complaint about $18.65 parties being present case was settled made Mars give a Lien on his entire crop untill the above amount was paid