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61  Duglas Stewart Cold vs Abraham Baker Cold APril 28 /68
Complaint about $30.00 lent money to carry on crops for 1867 Gives a lien on all of his crips which is good

62  Duglas Stewart Cold vs Frank Williams April 28 /68
Complaint about lent money to carry on crops for 1867 to be paid Jany 1st 1868 Crops lien bad ne failed to do it gives a lien on his  crops this year which is good

63  Emma Johnson Col vs husband  APril 29 1868
Complaint about having been beaten unmercifully in the night I was sent for on reaching the spott I sent for the Sheriff and put him in Jail next morning had him bound over to keep the peace for 12 months

64  A party of Freedmen  April 29 1868
Comes to me in order to obtain their provisions to carry on their crops. Sent for a merchant Gave him a lien on their crops and obtain for them what was [[?]] well satisfied

65  George Pope Cold vs John McNealy   April 29 1868
Complaint about the crops for 1867 Summd parties Case settled and Freedmen claim about the corn and foder correct therefore McNealy is ordered up and  turn over to George his claim is full

66  Mary Miles Cole vs Mrs E Harris  April 29 /68
Complaint for wages for 1867 Summd parties Case settled due Mary $60.00 has no money gives her due bill thinks she will pay with fall coming

67  Catherine Casin Cold vs Samuel Fitzhugh  April 28 /68
Complaint for board due last year $15.00 ordered settlement

68  Eliza Wilkinson Col vs William husband  April 29 /68
Complaint about having been beaten had warrant issued for his arrest and will be tried My 6 1868  for assault and battery

69  Duglas Steward Cold vs Ben Bajer Cold. April 30 /68
Complaint that he has failed to pass on the 1st of Jany 1868 the sum of $13 lent money to carry on crops Ben gives a first a prior lein on all his crops during the year 1868  to satisfy said claim The balance goes to Ben

70  Cena Downs Col vs her husband Thomas April 30 /68
Complaint of adultery and parties arrested and tryed before Justice of the Peace latter bound him over to Circuit Court for trial.