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38 Clarancey Branch Cold. vs. Duglas Rud Cold. May 27th/68
Complaint about a debt of $20.00, due December 1st 1867  Summon parties  Case investigated & found Complaint correct, paid $2.00 & promises to pay a part May 30th/68  paid May 30th 1868 $5.00 & promises to pay at different times all he can.

39 G.Y. Rye vs Charles Perkins Cold.  May 28th/68
Complaint that Perkins refuses to let him have any Corn which realy belong to him. having given a lien on his Crops & the Freedman having done the same in order to obtain this corn  the Freedman refuses to let Rye have any at all, ordered them to let Rye have his share  as soon as understood they do it without a grumble

40 Darbey Hinton Cold vs H.E. O'Reilly May 29th/68
Complaint about delay in Bounty  wrote & received an answer stating that it has not been allowed by the government as yet.

41 Duglas Cananrey Cold. vs Huy Gillis
Complaint for a debt due Jany 25 1868. ($4.00) for Spading garden. Summon parties, Case Settled, pays the $4.00


42 Thomas Jones Cold vs William McKinney
Complaint for a debt for 1867. 600 bbl of Cotton.  Took the Cotton for a debt. vs Jones. Summon parties to appear  May 30th 1868  Appeared as Summon. witnesses not all present  Case deferred until June 6th 1868 

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