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39 cold vs Bladin Williams
Complaint that Williams killed his Hogs. Parties appeared and case investigated Williams did kill the hogs while they were trespassing on the corn in his field. when the other party failed to have sufficient fence Case dismissed

40 Matilda Maples. cold. vs. John Williams. cold.
Complaint he owes her $17.00 loaned money two years ago last march. Williams is on a steamer. Sent a note to J.J. Cage, at Fort Adams to ascertain the name of the Steamer which he is on When will try to get the money.

1 E.L. Lindermayer vs. Ellen Finley cold.
Complains that she stole two muslin Shirts & about six yard of dark woolen cloth, and one small linen collar, which was found in Ellens trunk at the house. Parties summoned, and the case to be investigated on Monday Aug 31st 1868.

2 W.A. Simrall vs. Len. Davis cold.
Complains that Len is on the place without any employment, and steals and causes trouble amongst his hands. Desires to make arrangements for him to go to work. Summoned parties, and settled case by Simrall hiring Len. to cut wood untill Jany 1st 1869. At $10.00 pr. month, but not to come on the premises about Mr. Simralls residence.


3 J.R. Evans, Road Commissioner
Complains that Freedmen refuse to work on the public roads, as pr assessment by the Board of Police, of this county. I issued an order to said Freedman ordering them to proceed to work at once, under the superintendence of Mr. Evans untill their tax is all worked out.

4 A. Mackey vs. Henry P. Anderson cold.
Complaint by Anderson that Mackey turned him off his place without compensation for his seasons work. Ordered Mr. Mackey and Anderson to appear before me on Saturday the 29th for a settlement of the case. Aug 21/68

5 Mary J. Johnson, cold. vs. Geo. Evans cold.
Complains that George owes her two dollars $2.00 due since last March. George has no money and gives his Note for the Amt. satisfactory.

6 Emily McCrane cold. vs. John Kaiser and Neil Kaiser. Complains of the Kaisers having come into the yard and used very insulting and threatening language, towards her and her husband. and having a concealed Revolver on his person, calling her a damned Bitch &c. &c. without provocation or cause. The case of all this trouble is a Girl, named Alice McCrane. Ordered the parties to appear for an investigation, and the girl Alice to remain with Emily McCrane, untill the case is settled.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-09 00:27:21 Minor letter corrections made. Ready for completion