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7 George Smith cold. vs. Jourdan Francis, cold.
Complains that he sold a mare to Francis for forty barrels of corn. After Jourdan had recd. the mare in his possession he refused to pay for her, Summoned the parties to appear to settle the trade. Settle by Jourdan Francis giving George Smith a lien on his crops for forty three dollars $43.00

8 Peggy Anderson cold. vs. Nolan Dixon
Complains of having been discharged from the place without cause, and without pay. Was working for half the crops. Ordered Dixon to appear and have case investigated Case dismissed. no grounds for complaint

9 Emily McCrane cold vs. John G. Kaiser 
Complaint that Kaiser tried to keep one young girl cold. from Emily McCrane said child being an Orphan and claiming Emily as guardian Case settled by giving charge of the girl to Emily McCrane.

10 Elizabeth Ross cold vs. Taylor Anderson
Complains that Anderson assaulted her with a large stick, and beat her severly. Sent the case before a Justice of the Peace in Amite County when the assault was made to be settled.


11 J.C. Jones vs. Alec Branch et. al. cold
Complains that Branch and others to the number of about thirty came to his house and made a great noise and tumult and threatened to burn his buildings and kill his stock &c. Summoned Branch, the leader to appear before me Case settled by Branch promising to keep the peace, and make no more disturbance. Sept. 10th 1868.

12 Brunetta Lane cold. vs George Lemon
Complains that you refuse to pay her wages due for waiting upon your wife and nursing your child. Summoned Lemon to appear. Case settled by Lemon paying the bill.

13 Mrs. Rea vs. Dovey Mars & Miles Jones cold.
Complains that Mars and Jones owe her money for teaching their children. Parties summoned to appear. Case settled by Mars and Jones paying their bills.

14 Francis McDonnel cold. vs Mary Ann Spencer.
Complains that Mrs. Spencer owes her three dollars ($3.00/100) Case settled by Mrs. Spencer paying Francis at my request 
Sept. 10th 1868.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-10 16:20:03