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September 1868

42 Henry Harrison (C) vs Elizabeth Sims
Complains for wages for last year 1867 to the amount of $21.00 Case deffered for witnesses as Mrs. Sims deny the debt 

43 Wyatt Collins (C) vs Lewis Traner
Complains that is daily being abused & can give no other reason than that Mr Traner is doing this to make Collins Commit himself in order to give him Traner some excuse to discharge him. Summoned parties no ground for complaint Case dismissed


October, 1868

Oct. 1. 1868. Elijah Woods cold, vs. Peggy Woods cold.
Complains that Peggy has abandoned two of her children at his house. Sent for Peggy and compelled her to take her children away Case settled by her taking children

2 Monroe Causey vs. Maria Green cold.
Complains that Maria is impudent and does not obey orders. Case settled by Causey paying Maria and by Maria leaving the place.

3 J.S. Row vs. John Grinage and Joe Morse both cold.,
Complains that they refuse to sign contract, and will not obey orders, and are uniformly impudent and insulting to Mr Row and his family. Ordered them before me and investigated the matter. Case settled by John Grinage leaving the place upon being settled with by Mr. Row, and Joe returned to the place upon making an apology and promising good conduct for the future. 

4 J.B. Hoff vs. Freedwoman on his place.
Complains that said woman used insulting language to his family and thereby provoked a quarrel in which the woman was severely beaten by Hoff Nephew. I ordered the woman to make an affidavit before a J of P. in Amite County. do not yet know how it was settled J.B. Hoff is a Justice of the Peace in Amite County. 

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