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White Geo. Q.
Bvt. Maj. Ch. Q.M. &c

A.106.1st V.67.

Received back. Feb. 23. 1867.
Richmond Va Feb 23d.

Respectfully returned with the information that these horse shoes and nails were included in a requisition forwarded to General Whittlesey C.Q.M. of the Bureau which he returned on the 6th inst requesting information as to whether Capt. Austin had not recently an ambulance turned over to him. and for information as to the prices of horses at Norfolk, Va. the requisitions have since been returned to Bvt Brig Genl. Whittlesey. giving the information desired

Sigd. Geo. Q. White
Chf Q.M. & S.A.C.

H.Q. Dept of the Potomac
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Richmond Va Feb. 25th 

Respectfully returned to Maj. White who will without delay procure the articles required.

By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
Sig'd  O. Brown

Garrick Mallery

Bates Jas. A.
Capt and Supt.

W.89.1st V.67.             

Bureau R.F. and A L.
Supt. Sub Dist. of Hanover
Ashland Va. Feb.19.67.

Respectfully forwarded to Capt. James A. Bates Supt &c for instructions.  The claims of Pleasant Smith and others, growing out of the will of Miss Ann C. Robinson, Dec'd, having been laid before the Freedmens Court of this County, early in 1866. The entire case with all the papers bearing upon it was returned to the Asst Comr who returned the same with the following endorsement

"Bureau & C. June 11 1866    
See L.R.C.249. Page 192.2.V. End and Mem 1866.

The above amt. of 293.85 has been paid, but as something claimed under the will is yet in contest. It seems to me the least that can be done to require that the Plaintiffs be allowed to remain upon the last of Miss Ann de. Robinson die until such time as the whole matter be settled by the Civil Court's attention is respectfully invited to the accompanying copy of the will, and also to the statement of facts submitted by Mr. Chastain White counsel for Plaintiffs in this case

Sig'd Ira Ayer Jr
Bvt Col. Asst. S


H.Q. Dept of the Potomac
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Richmond Va. Feb 25. 1867

Respectfully returned to Captain James A. Bates who will notify Mr. Pollard that Pleasant Smith and other Freed people herein named, will be protected in the occupation of the land until the amount claimed under the will is paid, or the case disposed of by the Civil Courts.

By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Schofield, Asst. Comr.
Sigd O. Brown

Garrick Mallery

Gregory, E.M.
Asst. Comr.


Received back Feb. 25th. 67
Heathsvill. Northumberland Co. Va
February 15th 1867.

Respectfully returned with information that a deed of trust for the benefit of his creditors was given by Jessie Spriddles for the within land, before he left the place, the total amount of land was (217) two hundred and seventeen acres. Soon after he left 117 acres of the land was sold to one of his creditors for the sum of two hundred dollars, of the remaining one hundred acres I can find no record of its transfer from the trustees. The deed of trust, was not signed by Mary Spriddles which would entitle her to dower in the property. The facts in relation to Jessie Spriddles being driven from the County are correctly given in the statement of Mary Spriddles. All the free people of color in the County at the time, were ordered to leave and many of them were compelled to sacrifice comfortable homes in complying with the order. Mary Spriddles is mentioned in numerous conveyances and legal documents on file in the County Clerks office, as the wife of Jesse Spriddles but no register of marriage was kept at the office, as long ago as the time they were probably married.

Sigd. E.H. Busby
Lt and Asst Supt
Cos of Northumbd Lancaster

H.Q. Dept of the Potomac
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Richmond Va. Feb. 25th. 67

Respectfully returned to Maj. Genl. E.M. Gregory Asst Comr thro Bu. H.Q. inviting attention to endorsement of Lt. Busby. No reasons appear to exist against a successful prosecution of this claim in the Civil Courts

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