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S. 82. 1. V. 67
Stone, J. R.
Bvt Maj and. S. 


Received back, Apl. 11th 67
Bureau of R.F and A.L.
Office Asst. Supt. Sub Dist. of Goldsboro
Goldsboro, N.C. Mch. 10th 1867

Respectfully returned, Beverly aged 12. yrs and Henry 13 yrs were bound by Chapl. Geo. P. Glavis, late Asst Supt of this Dist on the 28. of Feb. 1866 to Mr. Burnett until of age. then to receive $150.00 in cash  Mr. Burnett states that the mother of both children is dead also the Father of Henry. The father of Beverly is in Georgia Isam is said to be the uncle and not the father of Beverly. The case of Betsy Homes is outside my Dist. Stanton N.C. does not come under my jurisdiction

Sig'd  Hannibal. D. Norton 
Capt. V.R.C. Bvt Maj. & A.S.

Office Supt. Cen. Dist.
Bureau of R.F and A L
Raleigh Mch. 21. 67

Respectfully returned to Maj H.D. Norton who will make an investigation at Stautonburg in relation to the child mentioned within
Sgd M. Cogswell
Maj. 8th Supt. Bvt Col. &c

Bureau of R.F and A. L
Office Asst Supt. Sub. Dist Goldsboro
Goldsboro N.C. Apl. 2. 1867

Respectfully returned at the surrender of the Rebel Army, Mr Organ took the girl Betsy home, with the consent of her mother and made arrangements with her to keep the girl and pay the mother $15.00/00 per year for her. services. He paid part of the money. The girl is sickley and very much attached to his family and does not want to go. Mr Organ has never objected to her going.

Sigd Hannibal D. Norton 
Capt. V.R.C. Bvt Maj. Vols
Asst Supt. Bu R F and A L.

Bureau of R.F and A L.
H.Q. Asst. Comr. State of Va.
Richmond Va Apl. 11. 67

Respectfully returned to Maj Stone. inviting attention to endorsements hereon

Sgd O. Brown
Bvt Brig. Genl. Vols. 
Asst. C.

Garrick Mallery


R. 89. 1. V. 67.
Armstrong S C

Bureau of R.F and A L.
H Q Asst. Comr State of Va
Richmond Va. Apl. 11. 67

Respectfully returned to Genl S. C. Armstrong Supt. to know why the claims are forwarded in this manner. Attention invited to instructions contained in endorsement from this office dated Mch. 13th 1867 on communication dated Mch 11th 1867

Sg'd O. Brown
Bvt Brig. Genl. Vols
Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

M. 144. 1. V. 67
War Dept. Bu &c

Received back Apl 11th 67.
Bureau of R.F and A L
Office Asst Supt Stafford & K.G.
Fredericksburg Va Apl. 6.67

Respectfully returned to Maj James Johnson Supt 6th Dist Va. with the information that the children Ailsey and Charles were on the 20th of November 1865 apprenticed to Mr Charles A Berry of King Geo County Va. by Capt. O.B. Calvin 96th New York Vol. Infty Asst. S. Freedmen, as per enclosed copy of indenture on file in my office Attention is invited to Endorsement of 1" Lt. W. G. Roberts. V R C. dated King Geo C.H. Va. June 15th. 1865. with reference to the character of Mr. Berry.

Sigd  Hector Sears
2" Lt and Asst Supt

Bureau of R F and A L
H Q. Asst Comr State of Va
Richmond Va. Apl. 11. 1867

Respectfully returned to Maj. Genl Howard Com'r with the remark that the statement made in behalf of Mrs Julia Mason seems obviously incorrect. She states that in Dec. 1865, she went to Berns and got an order from the Bureau to deliver up the children, where as the records in the office show that the children were indentured on Nov. 20th. Also that on May 16. 1866. the same Mrs Mason went after the children and Mr Berns only produced a certificate by a Col. Harns at Fredericksburg, where as she says there was no record in the Bu: Office of any indenture, though the same certainly was there. Also that the two mis-statements above mentioned cast doubt upon the complaint of ill treatment when against the reported character of Mr. Berry given by the former Asst Supt

Sgd  O. Brown
Bvt Brig Genl. Vols
Asst. Supt.

Garrick Mallery

Transcription Notes:
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