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B. 254. 2. V. 67

Chandler, Hon. L. H. 
U.S. Dist. Attorney

Bureau, R.F. & A.L.
Office S.A.C. 3rd. S. Dist. Va.
Richmond. Va. May 9th 67

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt: Maj: Genl. O. Brown. Asst. Com'r Va. The decision of the Court in this case is clearly in violation of an act of the Legislature of Va, chap 18. Dec. 2nd entitled an act to amend & reenact the 14th sec. of Chap. 108 Code of Va. for 1860. I would most respectfully call attention to the within communication of Capt. Cook to enclosed certificates. It appearing that manifest injustice has been rendered to one of the parties in this case, I would therefore recommend that the papers be referred to the Maj: Gen'l Comdg 1st Dist, State of Va. under sec. 3rd Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide for the more efficient Government of the Rebel states"
(Sgd) James A. Bates
Capt 43rd Inftry & A.A.C.

Bureau, R.F. & A.L. 
Hd. Qrs Asst. Com'r Ste of Va.
Richmond, Va. May 11th 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Hon L. H. Chandler U.S. Dist. Attorney submitting whether by the decision of Court and jury in this case the woman Kitty Nelson has not been deprived of her rights under the Act of Congress passed Apr. 9th 1866, entitled an Act to protect all persons in the U.S. in their civil rights &c and if so whether the case should not be brought before the grand jury now in session.
Sg'd  O. Brown
Bvt. Brig: Gen'l Vols.
Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

B. 253. 2. V. 67

Bates, James A. 
Capt. & S.A.C.

War Dept. Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Office Chief Qr. Mr.
Washington May 10th 1867.

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown, Asst. Com'r for Va, who will please cause investigation and report to be made as to whether the parties within named are able & willing to employ the applicant in this case so that they will at once cease to be a charge to the Govt. on their arrival at Richmond should transportation be granted.
By Command of
Maj: Genl O.O. Howard
(Sgd) Henry M. Whittlesey
Bvt: Brig: Genl. Chf. QM. B.R.F. & A.L.

Bureau. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. St. of Va-
Richmond, Va. May 11th 67


Respectfully referred to Capt. J. A. Bates, S.A.C. for investigation & report.

sg'd  O. Brown,
Bvt. Brig: Genl Vols.
Asst. Com'r

Garrick Mallery


War. Dept. Bu: &c.
Recvd. back May 11th 1867
Oak Hill Va. May 3rd 1867.

Respectfully returned to Bvt Capt. Sidney B. Smith. A.S.A.C. with the following statement xx About the beginning of the War Tho's Fisher was a tenant & I think a partner with T. B. Robertson Esq. of Alexandria, whose land joins mine in Prince Wm Co. Va. the unsettled state of the County alarmed Fisher who stopped cutting & hauling wood & clearing up land for or with Robertson & fled in his long boat to Washington D.C. leaving in my warehouse upon the Potomac River, in charge of my overseer, some article of which I know nothing - the warehouse & its entire contents were burned by the U.S.N. my wheat corn & machinery to the extent of nearly $4.000 was thereby destroyed.  Fisher also left a wagon & gear for 2 horses that he paid $30 for some time previous. When the Federals fired upon my old house Mr Thompson & all who were there fled to this place bringing one wagon load of things with them. Shortly after Mr. T. returned but found very little he could move off - Fishers 2 horse wagon  no gear with it was one thing he managed to get away that I might take it in part for corn & Bacon he had furnished Fisher & hands which he knew was twice the amt. that Fisher had paid for the wagon. xx As to the wagon it was worthless to me & soon after it was brought here my wife loaned it to a widow, who had it repaired & used it until about a month ago, she left the wagon near here where it is yet as good I am told as when first taken from Freestone - Which Tom Fisher, or anyone needy may have by going for it. I have never seen it. Just before the War I sold to Fisher all the wood I had cut at $3.00 pr cord for Oak & 2. pr cord for Pine. 86 cords in all xx Tom Fisher returned to Freestone & began to take the wood off & sell it; he found a squatter by the name of John Hutchison, was likely to give him trouble - to secure [[?]] sway upon Freestone Point farm - he came to my wife in April 1862, told her of our bargain, pd. her $20. on the wood & got her to write in my name a memo. of the bargain dating back about the time he thought it was made that he might collect from Hutchison pay for what he had taken & prevent his taking any more.— After the war Fisher came to me that I might fix the papers and take up the paper my wife gave him so that he might sue Hutchison & pay me the balance he owed upon the wood — By this he could make something as he could show that at the time H. took the wood it was very high. xx At the time I took up the memo of agreement Mrs Fairfax gave him and substituted my autograph, he promised to lose no time in making the money out of Hutchison & paying me in full for the wood &c. xxx.- Thos. Fisher of Washington To. J. W. Fairfax Dr.

1861. January 12th To 57 Cords of Oak wood  171.00
1861. January 12th To 29 Cords of Pine wood  58.00
1861. January 12th To Corn & Bacon           52.00
1867. April 12th To int. on $281.           105.37

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