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Connolly D.J. Bvt: Capt & A.S.A.C. 454. 463
Cook, Stafford, G. 87.
Cook, Lucy & Lewis, (decd.) (C) 125.
Cook, Thos. & Holland (C) 125.
Cooper, Solon, (C) 488.
Corliss, A.B. Mr. & Mrs. (Teachers) 184.
Cotton, Doc. 592.
Cradle, Geo, Tate, 308.
Crenshaw, Lewis D. 338.
Croft, J.N. (Detective) 347.
Crossley, Noel (C) 356.
Crosswell, Geo. E. 579.
Crutchfield, Betsey 640.
Cunningham, J.A. Esqr. 134.
Curtis, Isaac, (C) 20.
Curtis, Eliza, (C) 45.
Curtis, W.H. (Administrator) 54.
Currie, Evander, (C) 207.536.
Cutherell, Samuel, 367.

Daffen, S.L. (Teacher) 306.420.
Daniels, Harriet (C) 11.31.
Dandrige, Lucinda, (C) 51.
Davis, (Teacher) (C) 10.
Davis, John Chf. Q.M. Office clk. 89.
Davis, Stephen, (C) 341.463.479.
Davis, Susan, E. (C) 357.
Davis, Daniel, (C) 393.
Day, Paul W. 50.
Deacon, A.G. Lieut & A.S.A.C. 572.
De, Lamater, J.J. Surge in Chf &c
De Mariel, Mrs. 588.
De, Pass, John, 323.480.
Dibble, Chas. E. 38.
Dickerson, Samuel, Mr. 500.
Dickenson, R.H. 574.
Diggs, Sarah, (C) 42.
Dixon, George, 66.300.
Dixon, Deanah, (C) 577.592.
Dixon, Norman, (C) 592.
Doke, Estatine, (C) 493.
Dounan, Jas. M. (N. Pub.) 35.
Doolittle, Mrs. 70.
Douglass, Wm. Walt. 145.
Doyle, Jno. M. 615.
Drew, Henrietta (C) 401.
Drew, Richd. & Henry. 411.
Drysdale, James, late Lieut &c 129.
Ducy, John, 81.
Dudley, L.E. 285.301.
Dugind, Edwd. S. 325.

Transcription Notes:
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