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Kemper. Mrs. 340.
Kennedy, Crammond, 389.416.
Kentucky, Asst: Comr of. 435.
Keyes, Chas. W. Lieut: 417.

Kidder, J. Mr. 417.
Kimball, F.M. Lieut: & A.S.A.C. 425.
King, Elmira, (C) 292.
Kennidy Mr. 621.
Kinzley, 58.215.

Kloppenburg, Julius. S. Mr. 572.

Knowles, J.C. Mr. 443.
Knowles, Lizzie, Miss. 595.618.

Kofler. Jno (C) 362.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-24 17:03:08