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Lacey R.S.
Agent in chge. 7th S. Dist. 

Bu R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. Aug: 24th 67.

Respectfully referred to Capt. R.S. Lacey, Agent, for investigation and report.

By Order of
Bvt. Brig: Genl. O. Brown, Asst. Comr.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt: Maj. & A.A.A. Genl.

War Dept. Bu. &c:

Recd: back Aug: 25th 67.
Bu R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. 1st S. Dist Va.
Norfolk, Va. Aug. 24th. 67

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig: Genl. O. Brown, Asst. Comr: Va. with the information that the number of claims requiring attention, judging from the number already received and the numerous enquiries from claimants at these Hd Qrs will be at least two hundred and fifty per month, perhaps more. As the responsibility is very great, requiring the records and other papers pertaining to the claims to be kept with great care, and the correspondence is necessarily large, a clerk is very much needed who can devote his attention exclusively to the business his whole time would be needed for this work even with such aid as the other clerks in the office might at times afford. It will be impossible for me to perform these duties properly without another clerk.

(sgd) J.H. Remington
Bvt: Major & S.A. Comr.

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. Aug: 25th 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Major General O.O. Howard, Comr. requesting instructions, whether under existing orders application can be made for a clerk for the purpose mentioned. This is an exceptional case, and also is substantially to fill a vacancy, as a clerk was formerly paid for attending to the same duty while the claims were settled through the cashier of the Freedmans Saving and Trust Company of Norfolk, Va.

Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj: & A.A.A.G.
In absence of the Asst. Comr.


Stone, J.R.
Bvt. Maj. & S.A.C.

Recd: back Aug: 25th 67.
War Department
Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Washington, Aug: 23rd 1867

Respectfully returned to the Asst. Comr. of Va.
No objection is known to this Officer accepting this position provided it will not in any way interfere with his duties as a Bureau Agent.

By Order of Major Genl. O.O. Howard
(sgd.) A.P. Ketchum
A.A.A. Genl.

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va.
Richmond, Va. Aug: 25th 67

Respectfully returned to Lt. George R. Buffum, A.S.A.C. (Thro. S. Dist. Hd. Qrs.) inviting attention to endorsement of the Major Genl. Comr.

By Order of
Bvt. Brig: Genl. O. Brown, Asst. Comr.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt: Maj: & A.A.A. Genl.

War Dept. Bu. &c.

Recd. back Aug: 24th 67.
Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. 10th S. Dist. Va.
Alexandria Va. Aug: 23rd 67

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Maj: Garrick Mallery, A.A.A. Genl. with information that there are four families living on the premises of Dr. C.H. Liebermann, none of whom pay their rent, one woman Caroline Helm has paid better than the others but still owes back rent. D.K. Smoot Esq. the Drs. Atty. states that the reason why these parties have not been proceeded against is, that the cost in each case would be about ($15) fifteen dollars, the Plaintiff being obliged to sue out a writ of unlawful detainer, and because the parties are so poor, that nothing can be made from them.

I have notified these people to leave these houses by the 1st of Sept. next.

(sgd.) S.P. Lee
Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A. & S.A.C.

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