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Bvt: Brig: Gen'l O. Brown, Asst. Comr. 
Garrick Mallery
Bvt: Maj: & A.A.A. Genl. 

Mallery, Garrick 
Pres. Board &c:

Bu. R.F. & A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va. 
Richmond, Va. Aug: 31st 67.

Respectfully returned to Lt. Paul R. Hambrick, Actg. S.A.C. for the names and residences of the parents of Elwin King. 
By Order of 
Bvt: Brig: Gen'l O. Brown, Asst. Comr.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt: Maj: & A.A.A. Genl. 

Armstrong, S.C.
Agent Bu. & c:

Bu. R.F. & A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va. 
Richmond, Va. Aug: 31st 67

Respectfully returned to agent in chge. 5th S. Dist. Va. The Enclosed report in several respects facts to comply with the requirements of Cir 16.
By Order of 
Bvt. Brig: Gen'l O. Brown, Asst. Comr. 
Garrick Mallery
Bvt: Maj: & A.A.A.G

Manly, R.M. 
Supt. Education

Bu. R.F. & A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va. 
Richmond, Va. Aug. 31st 67

Respectfully referred to Revd. R.M. Manly, Supt. Education for recommendation.
By Order of Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown, Asst. Comr. Va. 
Garrick Mallery
Bvt: Maj: & A.A.A. Genl.


Lacey, R.S. 
Agent Bu. &c:

Recd. back Aug: 31st 67
Bu. R.F. & A.L. Dist. Va. 
Office Surgeon Chf. Dist.
Richmond, Va. Aug: 31st 67

Respectfully returned. The name of the attendant is not given & until it is supplied transportation cannot be furnished. 
(Sgd.) J.J. De Lamater
Bvt. Lt. Col. & Surgeon Chf. Bu. Va. 

Bu. R.F. & A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va. 
Richmond, Va. Aug. 31st 67

Respectfully returned to Capt. R.S. Lacey, Agent.
If transportation for the attendant is requested his name should be furnished. If the officer of the city will not require transportation from this Bureau the fact should be stated.
By Order of 
Bvt: Brig: Gen'l O. Brown, Asst. Comr. 
Garrick Mallery
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.A. Genl. 

Schreiner, Herman
Lt. & Chf. C.S. Bu. & c. Va.

Recd: back Aug. 30th 67.
Nu. R.F. & A.L. Dist. Va. 
Office Surg. in chf. Dist. Va. 
Richmond, Va. Aug: 31st 67.

Respectfully returned approval.
(Sgd.) J.J. De Lamater
Bvt. Lt. Col. & Surg: in Chf. Bu. Va. 

Bu. R.F. & A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. Va. 
Richmond, Va. Aug. 31st 67

Respectfully referred to Lt. Herman Schreiner, Chf. C.S. Bu. &c. Va. Approved. 

By Order of
Bvt: Brig: Gen'l O. Brown
Asst. Comr.
Garrick Mallery
Bvt: Maj: & A.A.A. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-05 10:39:45 Missing sections