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Office Sub Commissioner 5
District of Meridian  
Meridian Miss April 1st 1866

Eldridge Stuart A.A.A.G
Vicksburg Miss 

In compliance with orders I have the honor to submit the following Reports for the month ending on the 31st of March 1866.

Rations Issued
The number of Rations Issued to Refugees and freedmen at this place during the month was nineteen hundred and ninety (1990) at Lauderdale Springs three thousand five hundred and ninety six (3596) making an aggregate of Five thousand five hundred and Eighty six (5586) issued in the District. For more minute information I refer to the enclosed "Report of Rations Issued."

The school at this place continues to improve. I have at last succeeded in obtaining another Room for school purposes and the Teachers report shows an increase of thirty two (32) scholars over last months report. I would respectfully call your attention to my letter to the Supt of Education in regard to the schools in my District - a school has been started against much opposition at De Kalb Marion and Enterpris 

By reason of the A.A. Surgeon having no blanks I have not as yet received his Report for the month just closed. Small Pox is not increasing however and think with a proper Police system on the part of the A.A. Surgeon it might be very much reduced and the further spread of the disease allayed. The Freedmen of this Dist continue to work well as a general thing I find some women a little troublesome yet they do as I direct and advise in a great majority of cases. But very few complaints have been made by the Whites - about as many as usual by the Freedmen_ during the month

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-24 10:11:14