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Sixty four complaints have been entered of which six have been for beating - three Freedman Shot and wounded and two murdered

I am very Respectfully 
your most Obt Servt
Jno. J. Knox 
Brt Maj & Sub Commr.
District of Meridian

April 14 1866
Warren Jos. H                
Supt Education F.B.
Vicksburg Miss

In compliance with orders I have the honor to enclose herewith report for the school at this place. It is in a very prosperous condition. The teachers labor faithfully and take a great interest in the mental advancement of their scholars. I have succeeded in obtaining possession of another Room here in the face of much opposition for School purposes and in future Shall have the pleasure of reporting two schools for Freedmen at Meridian. I gave the teacher at Enterprise a Blank to make a report to you for the month of March and told him to write you a full account of his operations. He has met with much opposition from the White and has been compelled to move his building outside of the city limits. I think he should have some kind of a letter from the Bureau for protection. A school has lately been started at De Kalb and  Marion but with what success I am not prepared to say - shall visit them during this month and try and get them to report to me at the end of each month 
Please send me a Quantity of Blanks for this purpose. 

Very Respectfully
Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commr


Office Sub Commr.
District of Meridian
Meridian Miss April 5 1866

Moore Ed
Newton Co Miss

Dear Sir
The bearers Molton and Mose have entered a complaint stating that you want to compel one of the women on your place to work in the field and they working for a portion of the crop and clothes themselves want her to weave.  Without seeing the contract I am unable to advise them properly and think you had better let one of them return with the contract and I will tell them what to do. We intend to use all our influence in having Freedmen stand by their obligations

Very Respectfully
Jno. J. Knox
Maj & Sub Commr

Office Sub Commr
Meridian Miss April 5th/66

Gordon Charles
Lauderdale Co

Dear Sir
The bearer "Leathy" states that she never signed a contract to work for you or any other person this year - that her half Bro made a contract for her_ If such statement is true you have no legal claim upon as she is a proper person to contract for herself. The other women are I suppose legally bound as they both acknowledge they signed the contract and should you conclude to let them go for a consideration (as they intimate) you will please give them a written release from their obligations with you

Very Respectfully
Jno. J. Knox
Maj & Sub Commr

Transcription Notes:
Words that were unrecognizable are in brackets [] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-24 10:14:59