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Office Sub Commissioner
Meridian, Miss April 6" 1866

Hood Thos B 
Surg in Chief FB 
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to inform you that the Agent of the Mobile and Ohio R.R. Co has requested me to have the Pest house moved by reason of its being on their grounds and so near a water tank that they cannot get Freedmen to work at the same  It was in course of errection when I came here under the supervision of Dr Milne. I believe you are acquainted with its present location  You will please direct me what to do in the premises
Very Respectfully
Your Most Obt Servt
Jno J Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commissioner

Office Sub Commissioner
Meridian Miss April 6" 1866

Eldridge Lieut Stuart
Asst Adjunct Genrl F.B.
Vickburg Miss

I have the honor to state that my duties are of such a nature that it is absolutely necessary that I should be mounted  My business demands my presence or that of an officer with me in different parts of my District where it is impracticable to go by any other means than by private conveyance and would respectfully ask that I may be furnished with a horse and equipment
I am
Very respectfully &c
Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Comm'r


Office Sub Commissioner
Meridian, Miss April 6" 1866

Evans E.W.
A.A. Surg F.B.
Meridian Miss

Dear Sir
I am directed by the Surg in Chief of this Bureau to to inform you that no more accounts pertaining to the Quartermasters Department will be paid by the Freedmens Bureau.  You are hereby directed to call upon Lieut McFadden A.A.Q.M. at this Post for coffins repairs of Harness, Ambulance, shoeing of Horses - burying the dead - for Lumber or anything else needed in his Dept 
Very Respectfully
Your most Obt
Jno J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commr

Office Sub Commissioner
Meridian Miss April 7" 1866

Zeigler Col Geo. B
Commanding Post Meridian

I would respectfully ask you to listen to the statement of the bearer  I think it about time that the tying up of Negroes taking off their clothes and whipping them was abolished.  I can do nothing have had several such cases before the courts and where the accused plead guilty - they have been fined one dollar
Very respectfully
Your most Obt
Jno J Knox
Maj & Sub Commr
Dist of Meridian

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-24 10:16:42 Fix Several typos/misread words ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-24 10:27:35 many more typos fixed - Lieut, not Lient ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 23:27:52