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Office Sub Commissioner Dist of Meridian Miss April 24" 1866
Tally Mrs. Elizabeth Neshoba County

Dear Madam
An affidavit has been filed with me setting forth that you have had three minor Freedchildren of "Margaret" your former Slave Apprenticed to you without her Consent. I have the honor to inform you that the Attorney General for the State of Miss has decided that such apprenticing is illegal and you are hereby advised to let the mother of said children have them thereby saving the trouble and expense. I enclose also the decision of Judge Campbell in similar cases Judge Foote of this District has has made similar decisions and any Lawyer can tell you that you cannot hold these children. Please notify me at your Earliest Convenience what you intend to do about the matter and much oblige
Your most Obt Servt Jno. J Knox Bvt Maj & Sub Commmr District of Meridian

Office Sub Commissioner Dist of Meridian Miss April 24" 1866

Hedberg Lieut Commanding Post Meridian

I have the honor to ask that the bearers have permission to move from the house they now occupy as they are Destitute Refugees and I am issuing rations to them. By so doing it will enable me to maintain them as less expense. They will inform you which house they wish to occupy
I am Lieut Very Respectfully Your most Obt Servt Jno. J Knox Bvt Maj & Sub Commmr


Office Sub Commissioner Dist of Meridian Miss April 24" 1866

Eldridge Stuart Lt and Act Asst Adjt Genl
In complyance with your instructions of March 23rd I made an application to the Judge of Probate of Kemper Co for the release of the children of Orange, a Freedman From his reply to my application you will see how he wriggles our of it by telling me he is not the proper person to apply to. If the case is to be brought before the Circuit Judge no action can be taken until next fall - I would respectfully call your attention to my former statement together with that of Orang" and "Emily" and request that the children be released.
Very Respectfully Your most Obt Servt Jno. J Knox Bvt Maj & Sub Commmr Dis of Meridian

Office Sub Commissioner Dist of Meridian Miss April 27" 1866

Walch Dr Jacob Lauderdale Co

Dear Si
"Ned" a Freedman has made a complaint at this office stating that you kept his wife and a portion of his family from the time of the Surrender until last Christmas - that you paid them nothing for their services and the when his wife took his daughter "Elvira" away you charged her twenty four dollars for keeping her and that a Freedman now working for you became responsible for the payment of the same. You will please make a written report in regard to the above charges at your earliest convenience and much obliged 
Your most Obt Servt Jno. J Knox Bvt Maj & Sub Commmr