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cussed us - called us d-d Yankee and seemed determined to make an attack upon us when I applied to Lieut Hedberg Commanding Post for a Guard at the appearance of which they run away and we failed to arrest any of them. I mention this circumstance to show you the feeling of a low, drunken, set of vagabonds for whom the Civil Law seems to have no terror. The more respectable and intelligent part of the community do not apparently approve of such proceedings yet when they are operating against "Niggers" and "Yankees" their disapproval is generally manifested only in words. I do not hesitate to say that without troops the Freedmens Bureau could not be maintained at this place (iE) if the Officers of the same assisted the Freedmen in bringing white men to justice. My relations with the Post Commander are very harmonious - He is a sober intelligent Gentleman works hard for the interest of the Govt - and has had to labor under many embarrassments since assuming Command of this Post. We are assisting him in trying to recover some stolen Govt mules and in the absence of a sufficient number of enlisted men we arm ourselves and go out with him. The Govt building that I reported as being torn down for the use of a Private citizen has by order of the Post Commander been replaced. Since the departure of Col Zeigler I learned much of the prejudice existing against me was brought about by himself reporting that I had "Nigger on the brain" this I think was very ungentlemanly and unkind in him as I never met him socially and he had no means of learning my views upon the subject
I am very Respectfully
Your Most Obt Servt
Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commissioner
District of Meridian

Bureau Refugees Freedman and A. L.
Office Sub Commissioner
Meridian Miss May 2 1866

Eldridge, Lieut. Stuart
A.A. A Genrl H. B.
Vicksburg Miss
I have the honor to forward for approval vouchers for horse hire amounting to Eight dollars. The Quartermaster Dept  could not furnish the necessary transportation and the emergency of the cases prevented me from obtaining authority from Headquarters to incur additional expense
Very Respectfully
Your Most Obt Servant
Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj and Sub Commissioner
District of Meridian

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. L.
Office Sub Commissioner
Meridian Miss May 3 1866
Lofland, Maj J. R.
Paymaster U.S.A.
Vicksburg Miss
I sent by the Myres Hospital Steward the Pay vouchers for Capt  J. U. Chapman Capt J. W. Sunderland and myself and gave him an order for the money. He returned last night and informed me that you were so busy Monday and Tuesday that you could not pay them and that he left the vouchers with you. Please send the money for all expenses by Express at your earliest convenience and much oblige
Your most Obt Servt
Jno. J. Knox

Bvt Maj & Sub Commissioner
District of Meridian

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-24 18:16:13 -Removed "preprinted" bracket notation. Per TC instructions, this is not to be used for Freedmens Bureau transcriptions -completed [[?]]s -this writer's crossbars to his "t"s look like hyphens, but they aren't. Removed those.