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Bureau Freedmen Refugees & Abandoned Lands 
Office Sub Commissioner Meridian Miss May 4th 1866

Eldridge, Lieut. Stuart
A.A.A. Genl F.B.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to inform you that about one o'clock this morning some citizens to us unknown made an attack upon us by breaking open our door said "get out of here you d-d Yankees" fired twice and then made their escape. We fired several times at them as they were leaving but regret to say we did not kill any of them. The Mayor of the City called this morning and assured me he would do all he could to find the would be assassins - arrest them and have them dealt with according to Law. I cannot speak too highly of the Post Commander for the prompt manner in which he came to our assistance. He with a squad of Soldiers was at the office within ten minutes after the firing commenced for our protection - Lieut Hedburg has also furnished me with some muskets and ammunition and I have made arrangements with some Freedmen to stay at the Office nights so we will have ample protection and assistance in such cases should they occur again 

Very Respectfully Your most Obt Servt
Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commr
District of Meridian

Bureau Freedmen Refugee & Abandoned Lands 
Office Sub Commr Meridian Miss May 5" 1866

Mississippi Messenger Editor

In your issue this morning you state that "Choctaw" was a "bidden visitor" to the rooms of the Ladies who are engaged in teaching the Freedmen at this place. The man that asserts that he called the day previous was invited to call again or that he was a "bidden visitor" is a liar.

Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commr.
District of Meridian

Bureau Refugee Freedmen& Abandoned Lands 
Office Sub Commissioner Meridian Miss May 10th 1866

Tolson Mr. J.D.
Enterprise Miss

Dear Sir
I have the honor to acknowledge the Receipt of your communication of yesterday.

I will be at your place to morrow if nothing happens

In haste Your Most Obt
Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commr
Dist of Meridian

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands 
Office Sub Commr Meridian Miss May 10th 1866

Campbell Mr R.F.
Enterprise Miss

Dear Sir
Enclosed please find some Blks for School Reports. In future should you make them out in Duplicate retain one copy as I need only one  please forward one to me on the 28th day of each month  I saw the Supt of Education a few days ago and told him how you had been treated by some of the citizens of Enterprise  I will see you again in a few days

Very Respectfully
Your Most Obt Servt
Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commr
District of Meridian

Transcription Notes:
Incomplete ------------- Removed "preprinted" notation--per TC instructions this is not to be used for FB transcriptions ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-25 09:36:34