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labored faithfully and energetically and their duties have been ably performed. I do not believe there are any better schools in the state and I regret it exceedingly that you did not see fit to retain them longer in commission - you seem to think their expenses have been [[?]] high - I boarded with them some time and can also assure you that no extravagance was or has been indulged in by them. You must know it costs a good deal to live in this country. I made out a statement of their expenses sometime in Febry or March from the time of their arrival hear and I do not thank but that anyone could understand it neither do I think that any reasonable person could find any fault with the amount of their expenses. It is supposed by the Ladies here that [[?]] Wreight has been reporting [[?]] w them. If so I beg leave to inform you that he is meddlesome good for nothing old man and I believe the Missus Narren has accomplished more for the benefit of the freedmen service they have been at Meridian than Wright will do should he remain here the balance of his natural life. The build occupied by the Ladies for a Residence as well as their need for school rooms are under my contract and in view of the hardships they have undergone in organizing a school of this place I intend to retain them for their use and in case you do not commission them for another year I shall try and negotiate with other societies for their service. I [[design??]] to keep the school in operation till the first of July and shall of course keep the present Teacher your request to the contrary not withstanding. You also speak of the limited number of students and as there was no forespeak for an increase did not think you could retain two teachers at such [[?]] expense their last monthly report to the Bureau shows that they have one hundred and twenty students hence I am forced to the conclusion that if you wish to get rid of them on that score the excuse is a poor one. As I paid at the outset I knew these Ladies have done their duty nobly and at the urgent request of every Freedman in this vicinity. I feel bound to retain their very valuable services. 
Very Respectfully 
Your Most Obt Servant 
Jno. J Knox 
Bvt Maj. & Sub. Commissioner 
District of Meridian 

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned lands 
Office Sub Comm. Meridian Miss May 26 1866
Oliver Frank 
Dear Sir 
I have the honor to enclose herewith a statement from Mr. Smith relation to a Freedwoman in his employ and I wish to know whether or not her children have been apprenticed to you. She says she is afraid to go to your place after them by reason of some threats and I have concluded to give her a guard for her protection - not that I think you would do her any personal harm but so many have been beaten or mistreated under similar circumstances that a feeling of insecurity exists among them. Please answer my question at your earlier convenience and much oblige 
Your most Obt-Servant 
Jno.J Knox 
Bvt Maj & Sub Commissioner 
District of Meridian 

Transcription Notes:
there are a few words I was unsure of