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objection to it see that it is not used as an instrument of oppression or for the purpose of robbing Freedman of the right to choose their own employers and make their own arrangements with reference to wages" Vagrancy attaches the moment a Freedman becomes a burden upon the community in which he is living and I would like to see the law enforced in such cases 
I am Very Respectfully 
Your Most Obt Srvnt
Jn. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Comm

Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Office Sub Commm Meridian Miss June 11th 1866
Eldridge Lient Stuart
A.A.A Gen Bur R. F. & A. L.
Vicksburg Miss
I have the honor to 
acknowledge the receipt per mail and Express 
of the following articles for the use of Capt Rainals Asst. Sub Commr at Lauderdale Springs Miss 
three Blank Books
100 Blanks (Form 6) 
8 Copies Circular No 2 Series 1865 Office A.C. Miss 
6 Copies Circular No 13 Series 1865 Office A.C. Miss
I am Lieut
Very Respectfully 
Your Most Obt Srvnt
John J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commnr

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Sub Commissioner Meridian Miss June 15th 1866
Eldridge Lieut Stuart
A.A.A.G. Bur R.F.& A.L.
Vicksburg Miss
Your telegram of the 13th just 
requesting me to forward by first mail a full statement of the cause and authority for annulling Gully's contract with a Freedman and for using military force for said purpose was received yesterday during my absence on Plantations at the urgent request of Planters to talk to their Freedman. First my reason or cause for annulling said contract was based upon the affidavit of Freedman To be herewith enclosed and marked exhibit "A" and my previous knowledge of Gully's beating and otherwise ill treating his Freedmen 
Second my authority for annulling a contract I had supposed was unquestioned - first from the fact my Predecessor so instructed me the printed contracts
implied it and in a communication from your Office dated June 8th 1866 appears the following extracts also enclosed and marked Exhibit "B" from which I would also infer I had such authority. Could I not
consistently say "that in compliance with instructions from the Asst Commissioner you (meaning Gully) have broken your contract with Freedman "Jobe" and he is at liberty to contract with whom he pleases".  Third the
Guard (two men) were sent simply for the protection
of "Jobe" whom according to his affidavit Gully had
threatened to kill. In conclusion I have the honor to state that after taking the evidence of "Jobe" I referred him to Major Norton Commanding Past and he agreeing with me as to the maltreatment of the Freedman offered me such assistance as I required to get "Jobe's" family away from said Gully. I would have referred the Freedman to the Civil Courts of Kemper Co. but I have yet to hear of an instance where any attention was given to such reference. Kemper County

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