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Bureau R.F. and A Lands
Office Sub. Com
Meridian Miss June 29 1866

Chapman Mr.

Complaint has been made to this office by the bearer that you owe her for over two months work at $4. per month and $10 Money taken from her for safe keeping  if this is true you must immediately pay her for the work done and return the Money held in trust or I shall proceed to further action in the matter

Any explanation you may have to make will receive due consideration 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servt
Jas. W. Sunderland
Capt & Asst Sub Comr
District of Meridian

Bu R.F. and A Lands
Office Sub. Com
Meridian Miss June 30th 1866

Stone Squire
Newton Co

The bearer has entered a complaint in this office that Mr. E. Moore of your County with whom he had entered into a Contract for this year has been Guilty of abuse and ill treatment  You will take such means as within your power to investigate and if found true you will award to him the right to quit the employ of the said Moore requiring the said Moore to pay to the bearer Louis and Wife Caroline full and satisfactory wages for the time that they have been to work 

Said wages should be at the rate of $15. a month for Louis and $10 for Caroline and found in [[?]] and Provisions. A report of your action in this case to this office is respectfully requested. The above stipulations are laid down with a view to thear fairness and as the case is turned over to the Civil Authorities for settlement it is to be hoped that it will be met with a view to the dispensation of Equal Justice

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Jas. W. Sunderland
Capt & Asst Sub Com
District of Meridian

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Sub Commr Meridian Miss June 30th/66

Eldridge Lieut Stuart
A.A.A.G. Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

In compliance with orders I have the honor to enclose herewith reports for the month ending June 30th 1866. The number of Rations issued during the past month in this District was eight thousand one hundred and forty (8140). Your order curtailing the issue of rations was not received until I had issued for fifteen days during the first part of the present month. The Hospital at this place has this day been closed and the Property connected therewith transferred to Lauderdale Springs. We have during the present month visited a good many Plantations and as a general thing find that the Freedmen are working well - a prospect for a good crop of corn and fair crop of cotton. The treatment of Freedmen by the citizens continue about the same  Gross outrages are frequently reported

Very Respectfully Your most Obt Servt
Jno. J. Knox
Bvt Maj & Sub Commr

Transcription Notes:
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