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Bu R.F and A Lands
Office Sub. Com
Meridian, Miss.
Aug 11th 1866

Preston Bvt Maj A.W.
A.D.C. & A.A.A.G
Bu R.F and AL
Vicksburg Miss

There arrived here last evening from Vicksburg via So R.R (5) Five Freed Women en route to Hospital at Lauderdale three of them are Crazy one with one Leg and one had given birth to a child on the train. The last mentioned being very sick I called in the service of a Doctor. She is an entire Stranger here and it will be necessary to find some one to take care of her, besides the attention of a Physician. Having no hospital here I put them in charge of some Freedmen until the person who had them in charge shall arrive  I desire to know if the expenses necessarily incurred in taking care of these persons will be paid by the Bureau  four of them will undoubtedly leave here to night but the one that was confined will not be able to be moved for two weeks. Shall I continue the service of the Doctor and nurse that I have already engaged to take care of her.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Jas. W. Sunderland
Capt & Asst Sub. Com
District of Meridian


Bu R.F. and A Lands
Office Sub. Com
Meridian Miss
Aug 9th 1866

White  Lieut. D M
Asst Sub. Com
Lauderdale Miss

Your report of Civilian Employees for July has not been received  as it is necessary for consolidation of this Office please send at your earliest convenience. The enclosed blank is the proper form but for want of room you will have to make one out to enter all the names

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Jas W. Sunderland
Capt. & Asst Sub. Com
District of Meridian

Bu RF. and A Lands
Office Sub. Com
Meridian Miss Aug 13th 1866

White Lieut. D. M
Asst. Sub Com
Lauderdale Miss

I have the honor to again call your attention to the fact that your report of Civ Employees has not been received  You will at once forward the report by return mail. Or I shall be compelled to explain the delay to the Office of the Asst Com as owing to your as with the same

Your Obt Servt
Jas. W. Sunderland
Capt  Asst Sub. Com

Transcription Notes:
"underline" notation is not to be used per TC instructions