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Bu R.F. and A.L. 
Office Sub-Com
Meridian Miss
Aug 29th 1866

Whittlesley Bvt Brig Gen H.M. 
Chief Q. Master
Dist of Miss
R&F Bu R.F. and A.L. 
State of Miss 


I have the honor to state that the two Govt Buildings at this place used as Quarters for Officers and Bureau Offices, are very much out of repair and in their present condition not fit for the purpose intended. The Walls consist of rough boards not even whitewashed, and are so open that the rain will easily penetrate and the roofs are leaking. Quite a number of window lights are out, many broken and need to be replaced by others besides many other inner defects. 
In Consequence of the above statement I would respectfully request that I be permitted to have the buildings repaired so as to put them in a suitable condition. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt Vet Res Corp 
Sub Commis
District of Meridian


Bu R.F. and A.L. 
Office Sub Comm'r Dist Meridian 
Meridian, Miss, Aug 31 1866.

Preston Bvt Major J.W. [[Strikethrough]] Preston [[/Strikethrough]] A.A.A.Genl Bu R.F and AL for State of Miss. Vicksburg, Miss

I have the honor herewith to submit Report for the month of August 1866. I take pleasure in stating that but few complaints have been made at this office relative to abuses of Freedmen during the present month. The community seems by degrees to realize the necessity of dealing with the colored race in a different manner to that which they have hitherto been accustomed to. Such cases as have been brought to the notice of this office have in all instances been referred to the civil authorities and from the very fact that no appeals have been made from their decisions it has been taken for granted that they were fair. The Mayor of this town has while I have been stationed here shown a commendable desire to co-operate with the Bureau Officers and I am rather under the impression that he desires to deal justly with persons regardless of color.  He lacks however, force of character, which to a certain degree may account for the unfavorable opinion my predecessor had of him.
The largest number of complaints have come from Kemper County in this district, which in my opinion, is one of the most disloyal. The residents of said Co seem inclined to challenge the supreme authority of the General Government and it in only by force of law that they can be made to understand that slavery has been abolished. If troops cant be spared for such purposes I would not be able to recommend any better measure whereby to impress sounder and correcter ideas on the minds of the inhabitants of said Co than that squads of soldiers be stationed from time to time at such points in the Co where offences against Freedmen are most frequently committed; it would be a remedy against disloyalty and and treatment of the negro, that in my opinion, would prove most successful, for there is nothing the

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