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people around here dread more than the presence of Soldiers.
The apprehension felt as to the failure on the part of Employers to meet their liabilities opposite the Freedmen in regard 
to contracts will without doubt to a great extent be counteracted by Gen Ord No 31 Hd Qrs Dept of Miss. I have taken  pains to have this order published in the local papers in this  District so as to give it as much publicity as possible and I would resp. request to be furnished with 50 copies for distribution. 

It will from the absence of Sch. Reports be observed that no Schools have been in operation during the present month. Inquiries have been made as to whether the necessary expenses would be allowed for the expedition of equitable school buildings in such places where no schools have hitherto been established. Mr. Wilson, lately a supert. of cold. Schools at Columbus, Miss, has inquired thro' the Sub-Comm'r of the Dist of Columbus Bt Major Smith, whether the Bureau wants to allow that a school building be erected at Macon, Noxubee Co. in this dist. as he desires to organize a school there, but from the fact that I did not know what were the views of the Bureau in this respect, I have not been able to give any information on this subject.

I am, Maj. Very respectfully, Your Obdt Servt Henry E Rainals
Capt V.R.C. Sub Comm'r D.M.

Bu R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub Comm'r
Dist of Meridian
Meridian, Miss Sept 5,' 1866

General Adjutant
United States Army,
War Department,
Washington, DC.



I have the honor to report that I am on duty as 
Sub-Commissioner, District of Meridian, by Special Orders 
No 73, Headquarters Department of Miss, Bu R.F. and 
A.L., Office Asst Comm'r for State of Miss dated Vicksburg 
Miss, July 20, 1866.

My Post Office Address is: Meridian, Miss.

I am, Gen, Very respectfully Your obdt Servt. Henry E Rainals
Capt V.R.C. Sub Com'r D.M.

Bu R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub Comms'r, D M.
Meridian, Miss, Sept 6. 1866

Whittelsey Br General H. M.
Ch Qr Master Dept Miss
R & D O Bu R, F & A L.
Vicksburg, Miss.

In reply to your communication of the 1st inst. directing me to make an estimate of the cost of repairs on the Gov. Buildings here, occupied at present as Quarters and Offices for Bureau purposes, I respectfully submit the following estimate: 

1 1/2 Btl of lime at $4.50 per Btl.... $6.75
22 mirrored lights at 30c..... 6.00
150 Bricks at $1.50 per 100..... 2.25
100 feet of lumber...... 1.50
4 Door locks at $1. .......4
Blacksmith fixings/Hinges 10....2
2 lbs of nails at 15c per lb.... .30
carried over $23.40

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 11:45:38 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 11:56:31 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 12:20:43 As per transcription instructions "if a word is hyphenated because it goes across two lines, type it out as one word."