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return for said Employer for 30 days, with the request that the rations be given in charge of the person who will be sent from Lauderdale to Vicksburg for the purpose of drawing supplies there. 

Very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
Henry E Rainals
Capt. V.R.C. Sub Comm'r DM.

Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub Comm'r DM
Meridian, Miss, Sept 8th 1866

Whittelsey Bvt. Br. Gen. H.M.
Chf Qr Mr Mil. Dist of Miss
R & DO, Bu R.F and AL
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 3d inst. enclosing $21 00/100, Amount due me for postage from April 1st, to August 31st 1866.

I am, General,
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt VRC, Sub-Commr, DM

Bu R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub-Comm'r. DM
Meridian, Miss, Sept 11th 1866

Preston Bvt Major A.W.
AAA Gen Bu RF and AL for State of Miss
Vicksburg, Miss.


In reference to the within vouchers which were returned to me without the Approval of the Asst. Commissioner I would respectfully beg leave to state that the journeys performed were actually necessary to prevent sufferings among the inmates of Howard Asylum, for unless the Officer, who drew rations had been present himself to superintend the issue and shipment of the same, it might have taken days and even weeks before the rations would have reached their destination, as was the case on such occasions, when additional rations were drawn during the month.  My non-compliance with par. 1111, Army Reg. 1863, was owing to the fact that I was under the impression that traveling expenses were paid by the Bureau, until otherwise instructed by endorsement on enclosed letter of transmittal, dated June 8 1866.
In consideration of the above explanations, I respectfully apply for approval of said journeys.

I am, Major,
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt V.R.C. Sub Comm'r, DM.

Bu. R.F and AL
Office Sub Com
Meridian Sept 12th 1866

Preston Maj AW
Bu R.F and AL

I have the honor to inform you that the bearer is the person referred to as the Son of John McInnis, Citizen. He desires to lay his case before the Comdg General in person.

Your Obt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt & Sub Commr

Transcription Notes:
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