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R & DO Bu R.F. and A.L.
State of Miss.
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor to request that I be furnished with blank forms No 6, 7 & 8 Bu R.F. and A.L. and Nos. 20, 21, & 22 QM Dept together with blanks for expenses incurred in telegraphing

Very respectfully 
Your obt servt
Henry E. Rainals 
Capt VRC, Sub Comm'r, DM.

Bu R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub Comm'r Dist Meridian
Meridian, Miss, Sept 18th 1866

Preston Bvt Major A.W.
AAA Gen Bu R.F. and A.L. for State of Miss,
Vicksburg, Miss

I have the honor to apply for fifty (50) copies of General Orders No 31, Hd Qrs Dept of Miss, for distribution among the civil magistrates in this District. 

Very respectfully,
Your obt servt.
Henry E. Rainals
Capt VRC, Sub Comm'r Dist Meridian

Bu R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub Comm'r D.M. Meridian, Miss, Sept 19th 66

Preston Bvt Major A.W.
AAA Gen Bu R.F. and A.L. for State of Miss
Vicksburg, Miss 

From the fact that rumors daily reach this office relative to murders and other atrocities being committed upon Freedman in Kemper County in this District - on men, women and children alike - and anxious to ascertain the true condition of affairs in that locality, I desire to send my Assistant, Capt Sunderland, on a tour thro' said Co for the purpose of investigating and reporting upon matters there generally. I likewise wish to direct him to inspect the Post at Lauderdale, as from what I can learn on the subject, an inspection of the Hospital and Asylum would be desirable. The Cholera infantum at one time raging there has now changed into Asiatic Cholera from which latter disease a large number of deaths among the inmates of the Hospital have already resulted. 

I therefore respectfully request that the necessary traveling expenses for these purposes be allowed, and further, that the matter may receive the early attention of the General comd'g, so that, in case of approval I might be able to embody the reports of the Asst Sub-Comm'r in my Report for the present month. 

I am, Major,
Very respectfully 
Your obt servt
Henry E. Rainals
Capt VRC, Sub Comm'r D.M.

Bureau Refs, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Sub Commr, Dist of Meridian,
Meridian, Miss, September 20th 1866

Whittelsey Bvt. Br. Gen. H.M. 
Chief Quartermaster Mil. District of Miss.
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 18th inst, in reference to which I respectfully ask information as to what I shall infer from the following clause therein:


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