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Bur R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub-Comm'r Dist of Meridian
Meridian, Miss, Nov 5' 1866

Campbell Mr. R.F.
Enterprise, Clarke Co.

Please fill out and return the School blanks lately sent you as speedily as possible.  I cannot make out my consolidation Report until I have received yours.
Very respectfully, 
Your obdt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt. Sub-Comm'r D.M.

Bur R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub-Comm'r Dist of Meridian
Meridian, Miss, Nov 5' 1866

Meigs Maj Gen M.C.
Quartermaster General U.S.A.
War Department
Washington, DC

I have the honor to transmit here with Return of Quartermaster Stores for which I am responsible for the month of October 1866

I am, General,
very respectfully, 
Your obedient Servant,
Henry E Rainals
Capt.VRC Sub-Comm'r Bur R.F&AL

Bureau Refs Freedmen and Aband Lands
Office Sub-Comm'r Dist of Meridian
Meridian, Miss, Nov 6' 1866

Campbell Mr. R.F.
Enterprise, Clarke Co.

In reply to your communication of the 4' inst requesting information on behalf of Mr. A.J. Graham, County Supervisor, Clarke Co, as to whether or not land interred during the war with confederate money would go back to the Government. - taking it for granted that you mean Government land - I beg leave to give as my opinion that there is not a shadow of a doubt as to the illegality of all such transactions, by which government land was sold or otherwise dispensed of by the confedereates [[strikethrough]] Government [[/strikethrough]], and that in consequence thereof the land still owned by the Government may be bought by freedmen and Whites, who can take the presented oath, as provided for under the Homestead Law.
Very respectfully, 
Your obdt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt. Sub-Comm'r D.M.

Bureau Ref. Freedmen & Aband Lands, 
Office Sub-Comm'r Dist of Meridian
Meridian, Miss, Nov 6' 1866

White Lieut D.M. 
Asst Sub Comm'r Dist of Meridian
Lauderdale, Miss
Please request the [[lady?]] teachers to fill out and return thro' your Office the School Report blank lately furnished them.    The reports have to be consolidated at this office and I cannot therefore make out mine till all the Reports from the teachers in the District have been received. 
Very respectfully, your obd't Serv't
Henry E Rainals
Capt. VRC & Sub-Comm'r D.M.