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Bureau Refs. Freedmen & Aband. Lands
Office Sub-Comm'r Dist. Meridian
Meridian, Miss, Nov. 9' 1866

Editor 'Daily Messenger'
Meridian, Miss.

By publishing the enclosed Circular in your paper you would much oblige.

Yours, very respectfully
Henry E Rainals.
Capt & Sub Comm'r D.M.
Bu R.F and A L.

Bureau Refs. Freedmen & Aband Lands,
Office Sub Comm'r Dist. Meridian.
Meridian, Miss, Nov. 9' 1866.

Campbell, R. H.
Enterprise, Clarke Co.

Sir, I enclose two copies of Circular No 17 from Office Asst Comm'r, Bu R.F and A L. You will from the contents of the cause see that you will receive ten dollars per month from the Bureau if the daily average of Scholars is not less than twenty five.
Please retain one copy for yourself, and give one copy for publication to any Editor of a paper published in Enterprise or vicinity, requesting the publication as a favor.
Very respectfully
Your obdt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt & Sub Commissioner D'.M.
Bu R.F and A L.

Bu R.F and A.L.
Office Sub Comm'r D.M.
Meridian, Miss, Nov. 9. 1866

Oppelt Mis H.C,
Dekalb, Kemper Co.
I beg leave to enclose Circular No 17, from the Office of the Asst Commissioner Bu R.F and A L. for your information and careful perusal.
Very respectfully,
Your obdt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt & Sub-Comm'r D.M.

Bu R.F and A.L.
Office Sub-Commr DM.
Meridian, Miss. Nov. 9' 1866.

Editor 'Kemper Flag'
By publishing the enclosed Circular in your paper you would much oblige
yours, very respectfully,
Henry E. Rainals
Capt & Sub-Commissioner
District of Meridian.

Bu R.F & A.L.
Office Sub-Comm'r D.M.
Meridian, Miss, Nov. 9" 1866

Scully Captain J. M.
Asst Quartermaster U.S.A.
Vicksburg, Miss,
I have the honor herewith to submit for settlement vouchers for expenses incurred for transportation of self &c from Lauderdale