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conduct of Lieut. White has been such as would sufficiently warrant me in preferring charges against him for "disobedience of orders" and "neglect of duty", still I have chosen a milder form under which to seek a remedy against existing evils by resp. submitting this complaint for the consideration and action of the Bureau.

I am, Major,
very respectfully,
your obdt Serv't
Henry E Rainals
Capt & Sub Commr. D.M.

Bureau Refs. Freedmen & Aband Lands
Office Sub Commr, Dist of Meridian,
Meridian, Miss, Nov 11th 1866

Scully Captain J.W.
R. & D.O. F.B.
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt, this day, of a communication from your office dated Oct 31, 66, enclosing $60.76/100 in payment of the following vouchers:

April, May & Aug 66, vouchers for expenses of freight, labor and express charge  $2.00
Aug 66, vouchers for expenses of med. attendance & board &c for dest. Refugees  $43.00
telegraphing expenses  $2.10
Aug & Sept 66 vouchers for hire of Janitor  $13.66
Total $60.76.

Vouchers for fuel for Office for Oct. 66 $7.50, for Stable hire Oct. 66 - $5. and for postage for Sept & Oct 66 $13.25, have been forwarded thro' the AAA Gen's office for approval and settlement.

I paid 50 cts Express charge on the above amt of $60.76/100.

I am, Captain,
very respectfully,
your obedient Servant,
Henry E Rainals
Capt VRC & Sub. Comm'r D.M.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub-Comm'r. Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss. Nov. 14th 1866

White Lieut D.M.
Asst Sub Comm'r
Lauderdale, Miss.

Enclosed please find Ration Returns for your post for the month of December, 1866, returned approved

very respectfully
your obdt serv't
Henry E Rainals
Capt & Sub Comm'r D.M.

Bureau R.F and AL
Office Sub Comm'r 
Meridian, Miss, Nov 14th 1866.

Vance Mr David,

Your communication just received will be referred to the General Commanding the State, for his information and action.

very respectfully
your obdt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt & Sub Commr

You will duly notified of the result.

Transcription Notes:
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