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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub Com. Dist of Meridian.
Meridian, Miss, Nov 15' 66.

Preston Bvt Major A. W.
A A A Gen. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Vicksburg, Miss.

I have the honor herewith to enclose School Reports for the month of October, 1866. 

Very respectfully,
your ob't Servt.
Henry E Rainals
Capt VRC, Sub Com Bu R.F & A L.

Bureau R.F and A.L.
Office Sub-Com. Dept Meridian
Meridian, Miss, Nov 17. 1866

Oppelt H. C. Miss
De Kalb, Kemper Co. Miss,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated the 11' inst inquiring on behalf of some freedmen, where they have to apply for the purpose of entering land under the Homestead Law, and in reply to say that on proceeding to this city and applying to Hon. Leachman, U.S. Dist. Attorney for Southern District of Miss. who has full power to act in the matter, they can have their papers properly made out and the land secured.

If they will call at this office I will further direct them where to find the office of Mr Leachman.

The circular to which you refer does not guarantee aid to schools with a less average attendance than 25 pupils, but as your school nearly has as many, I hope you will be able to get some more scholars before you forward your next Report, so as to bring it up to the requisite number.

Very respectfully
Your obdt Servt
Henry E Rainals
Capt VRC, Sub. Com F.B.

Bureau Refs. Freedmen & Aband. Lands.
Office Sub-Com. Dist of Meridian,
Meridian, Miss, Nov 19th 1866.

Preston Bvt Major A.W.
AAA Gen Bu R.F and AL.
Vicksburg, Miss.

In reply to a communication from this office to Mr R.E. Wilson of Lawrence, Newton Co. Miss. requesting him to give me the necessary information in the case of Henry Murphy, a freedman, for whose removal from his place he has applied on the ground of insanity, Mr Wilson states that said Henry Murphy is 60 years old and is now living at his place; that it will be necessary for the Government to furnish transportation, and asks that this be given said Murphy and his attendant (one being required) Richard Murphy, from Lawrence Station on the Southern RR - where both patient and attendant can be delivered - to their final place of destination.

In reference to the above case I respectfully beg leave to refer to my endorsement - dated Oct 26, '66 - on a communication from your office, enclosing a statement from said Wilson.

I am, Major,
very respectfully,
your obedient Servant,
Henry E Rainals
Capt VRC, Sub-Com. D.M.