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and that consequently they will have to steal from neighbors and others in order to live. Fears are entertained by many freedmen that they will not be left in undisturbed possession of their land, and I am myself inclined to think that troubles will arise unless the civil authorities show more determination opposite the "low whites" to protect the cold people.

School Reports have not yet been recd. The schools here is well conducted and gives general satisfaction. I entertain some hope of seeing Schools organized both at Enterprise and Meridian. The Agent of the American Missionary Association has promised me to do what he can in the matter.

Enclosed I have the honor to forward Reports form 1-2-3 & 8.

I am, Major.
Very respectfully
Your obd't Serv't
Henry E Rainals
Capt VRC Sub-Com. D.M.

Bureau R.F. and A L 
Office Sub-Comr D.M.
Meridian, Miss. Dec 4 1866

Vance Mr David
Meridian, Miss.

Your communication to this office dated Nov. 15"-66 was referred to Hd Qrs at Vicksburg and thence to His Excellency the Governor. Governor Humphreys in an endorsement thereon says that it will be necessary for you to make an affidavit and he will then refer the matter to the Governor of Alabama where the guilty parties no doubt will be tried and punished. But unless an affidavit is made he cannot take any action in the matter.

I therefore request you to call at this office at your earliest convenience. It is not alone in your own interest but in the interest of the cold people that


this kind of kidnapping is put a stop to. You will likewise by making the required sworn statement have the only chance of getting back the boy. 

Hoping therefore that you will comply with my request, I remain, 
very respectfully 
Henry E Rainals
Capt VRC, Sub Com. D.M.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub-Com D.M.
Meridian, Miss. Dec. 5", 66.

White Lieut. D.M.
Asst Sub Com Dist Meridian
Lauderdale, Miss. 	

In your letter of transmittal dated Nov 30, 66, you give as a reason for not transmitting "Report of Hospital Attendants" that this is made out on the 15th of each month, according to Cir. No 6. Office Asst. Com. April 11th 1866, instead of at the end of the month as ordered in Cir No 4, par. 4. Cir No 6 & par 4 Cir 4 only refer to such reports as are required at the Office of the Surgeon in Chief of the Bureau.

The ration Returns will be consolidated at your office; Seperate Returns from the Institutions are not required. The names &c of Hospital Attendants should have been carried as usually on your Report of Civilian Employees.

Very respectfully
your obdt Serv't
Henry E Rainals
Capt VRC, Sub-Com. D.M.

Transcription Notes:
Seems they were using "cold people" as an abbreviation for "colored people" - not sure if there is a way to indicate that. Just transcribe abbreviations as they are. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-28 14:41:06 changed "hay" to "boy"