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refuse to pay them they would be compelled to lose what is justly due them had I not found in this laity a Lawyer by the name of Smith who informed me that he would prosecute such cases, and receive his pay from what he recovered in said suit the fee not to exceed what would be charged under other circumstances.  To this Gentleman I have generally sent the complainants and am happy to state that in a great number of cases he has succeeded in getting their pay.
Some few cases relative to the keeping of minor children from their Parents have been reported, also of the searching of Freedmen and taking from them any fire arms that might be found in their possession.  To these complaints I have in all cases written to the parties complained of and informed them that such acts were illegal and unless they remidied the matter by giving up the "Children" or returning the "Fire Arms" taken away suit would be commenced against them, with but one exception that of keeping a family of children they have all complied with any request.  Nothing further of importance relative to the Freedmen has occured except the Freedman "Malinda" report of which I made to your office on the 28th ult, this case when properly understood will be found to be one of great injustice, and I would respectfully state that the greater portion of Complaints are from the be of Kemper thear is a disposition upon the part of citizens to ignore the 


fact that Slavery is dead but endeavor in every conceivable manner to make the condition of the Freedmen worse than even Slavery.

I would respectfully call your attention to the request in my communication of the 28th ult, that a sufficient number of Troops be sent here to enable me to have the parties that I bound over to appear before the U.S. Dist Court on the 4th Monday in Jan re-arrested, they having made their escape from the Act Dep. Marshall, as I am confidant that without them they cannot be arrested. 

Enclosed please find reports form 1-2 & 3. School reports have not yet been received. 

Very Respectfully 
your obt servt
Jas. W. Sunderland
Capt & Asst. Sub Com.

Bu R.F. and A Lands
Office Sub Comm
Meridian Miss
Feb 6th 1867

Maj. A.W.
A.A.A. General
Bu R.F and A.L.
State of Miss.
In compliance with instructions from Ast. 2nd Dist of Miss. Bu. R.F. and A.L. Vicksburg dated Feb 2nd 1867 to furnish an abstract of the evidence in the case of John B Adams, Wm Adams, and J.W. Jones charged with violating the "Civil Rights Bill" I have the honor to.