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report that the evidence showed that the Defendents had refused to let the Woman "Malinda" have her children, that she had during the greater portion of the last year been endeavoring to get them but without success, that in order to deprive her of appealing to law for them they had her arrested upon the groundless charge of Decoying away in the month of July 1866. A Freedboy named Henry, in the employ of one of James McDonald, and kept in arrest 3 three days without examination relative to the charge upon which she had been arrested.  That when in arrest threats had been made that induced her to enter into a Contract against her will, that in order to defeat the ends of justice they made her sign an affidavit and a Letter (Which they offered to introduce at the examination) setting forth that she was perfectly satisfied and had been guilty of Decoying away the boy and wanted to remain where she was.  That when the Dep. Mar. went after her to bring her before me in order that her testimony might be taken they have had her locked and denied knowing where she was. 

With this evidence I decided that they should give bond in the sum of $1300.00 to appear before the U.S. Dist Court at Jackson Miss on the 4th Monday in Jan 1867 or be held in the custody of the Marshall to be taken thear at the proper time.  They


said they would give the bond I remanded them to the custody of the Marshall until it was given as they made their escape before doing so it is unnecessary to take any steps to collect the amount of said bond.

In my opinion the number of Troops necessary to make the arrest not less than 30 should be sent with 10 days rations.

For the further information of the General Comdg I would respectfully inform him that after I had rendered my decision the woman "Malinda" was taken out of my office by some of the friends of the accused and an attempt was made to take her back to Kemper Co. She was placed in a wagon and some bed clothes covered over her and driven of but I succeeded in overtaking them and brought her back.  The object of this was to deprive the U.S. of her testimony as only two days intervened for the time set for them to appear before the Court. 

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your obt servt
Jas W. Sunderland
Capt & Ast. Sub Comm
District of Meridian


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