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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A L
Office Sub Assnt Comr Sub Disct Merid.
Meridian Miss July 31. 1867

Preston  A.W. Bvt. Maj
A.A A Genl. B.R.F. and A L
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith the Report of Civilian Employees in B.R.F. and A.L. of the Sub Dist Meridian Meridian Miss for the Month Ending July 31 1867.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servt
Thomas H. Horton
Bvt Maj. USA
Sub Asst Comr

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A L
Office Sub Asst Com Bvt Disct M.
Meridian Miss July 31/6

Preston  A.W. Bvt. Maj
A.A.A. Genl, B.R.F. and A L
Vicksburg, Miss

I have the honor to transmit with vouchers report of persons and articles employed and hired B.R.F. and A.L. Sub Disct Meridian Meridian Miss for the month ending July. 31. 1867
I am Sir
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servt
Thomas H. Norton
Bvt. Maj USA
Sub Asst Comr


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A L
Head Qrs Sub Disct Meridian
Meridian Miss Aug 1st 1867

Gardiner  R.P. Capt V.R.C
Sub Asst. Comr. B.R.F. and A.L.
Jackson Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith the Affidavit of Adolphus James (Freedman) for such action as you may decide proper. Said Adolphus James is now residing at Meridian Miss. where he will await whatever proceedings may be taken in the case.
I am sir
Very respectfully
Your obdt servt
Thomas H. Norton
Bvt. Maj. USA Sub Asst. Com

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A L
Head Qrs Sub Dist. Meridian
Meridian Miss Augt 2d 1867

West  Henry. Mr.
Lauderdale Co. Miss

Complaint having been entered against you by Joseph Croff (freedman) you will please report at this office at 11 OClk A.M. Augt 7 1867 bringing with you your contract with said freedman together with a statement of provisions clothing (if any) furnished him. 
I am sir
Very Resply
Your obdt servt
Thomas A Norton
Bvt. Maj USA
Sub Asst Comr

Transcription Notes:
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