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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL 
Hd Qrs Sub Disct. Meridian
Meridian Miss Aug. 5 1867

Preston A.W. Major 
A.A.A.C. B.R.F. and A.L.
Sub Dist. Miss
Vicksburg. Miss


Enclosed herewith please find affidavit of Lewis Washington freedman (Case 14) July 22 of Report of operations B.R F and A.L. Sub Disct. Meridian for month Ending July 31 1867) vs. J.F. Moore (Under bonds in the Sum of $500.00) And Ed Moore of Newton Co Miss

Although the establishment of an assault (upon said freed boy is upon the investigation by the Sub Asst. Comr) made Complete the alleged "intent to Kill" is by no means substantiated by the Evidence of Either witness or Circumstance
The Sub Assist't Comnr would respectfully ask what action (if any) is to be taken in this case.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
Thomas H Norton
Bvt Maj. U.S.A
Sub. Asst Com'r  


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L. 
Hd Qrs Sub Disct of Meridian
Meridian Miss Augt. 6. 1867.

Davis C.G. Esq


Complaint is made at this office by Dick. Richards that you have excluded himself and family. from your Plantation without just cause thereby depriving them of the procuring advantage resulting from the Crop which they have cultivated and which according to Contract they are entitled to the benefit of
You are informed that Such Proceedings with the freedmen will not be tolerated by the Sub Asst. Comr. of this Dist. and unless an amicable settlement is made with the said Dick Richards you will report at this office on Thursday. morning Aug. 8. 1867 at 11 o'Clock A.M. when the case will be more thoroughly investigated and impartial justice administered
I am Sir 
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
Thomas H Norton
Bvt Maj. U.S.A
Sub. Assnt. Com'r

Transcription Notes:
Unable to make out the signature on the letters ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-26 11:40:09