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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Office Sub Ass't. Com'r. 
Meridian Miss Oct 1 1867

Matt Riffle Mr

Complaint has been made at this office by Wm. Heard. Warren Dumar. Wm Johnson. & Joe Rea. (freedman) that you are indebted to them for services rendered during 1866 & 67.
You will please report at this office on Saturday Oct 6th at 10 A.M. brining [[bringing]] with you a statement of your accts with the above named freedman.
By order of the Sub Ass't Com'r. 
Andrew Thomas
Agt. B.R.F. & A.L.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Office Sub Ass't. Com'r.
Meridian Miss Oct 2. 1867

Cain Mr W.

Ed Stewart (freedman) complains that you are indebted to him for services rendered during 1866.
You will please report at this office on Thursday Oct 3 at 10 A.M. and make explanation.
By order of the Sub Ass't Com'r. 
Andrew Thomas
Agt B.R.F. & A.L.


Bureau Refugees Freedman & A.L.
Office Sub Ass't. Com'r.
Meridian Miss Oct 2. 1867

Bonsal Mr John
Lauderdale Co. Miss


Mildred Sloan,(freedwoman) complains that you are indebted to her for services rendered
You will please report at this office on Saturday Oct 6. at 10. A.M. and make explanation in the case.
Andrew Thomas
Agt B. R. F. & AL.

Bureau Refuges Freedman & A.L.
Office Sub Ass't Com'r.
Meridian Miss. Oct 2. 1864

McCan Mr John
Lauderdale Co. Miss.
Simeon Hill (freedman) complains that you are indebted to him for services.
You will please report at this office on Saturday Oct 6. at 10. AM. when the complaint will be investigated.
Andrew Thomas
Agt B. R. F. & AL.