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one of the best regulated and most successful schools now in operation, in this section of the state. The average daily attendance is reported at 100 Scholars. although nearly 150 are now enrolled and this number will be steadily augmented until it reaches at least 200 pupils in daily attendance at this school.

The elementary branches of an english education are taught and the classes divided as follows,

Reading - Six separate classes in various stages of progression. McCuffy's new series Eclectic readers used

A number of those classes were examined by the inspector and found to be well instructed and proficient readers. The average number comprising the six classes is 72

Arithmetic - One class of 15 scholars was well advanced. Davis Intellectual Arithmetic used.

Geography. Two separate classes the first composed of nine, and the second of sixteen scholars. Mitchells series employed. 

These classes should be [[strikethrough]] employed [[/strikethrough]] provided with suitable maps or Atlases by the Trustees or conductors of the school, in order to advance the scholars more rapidly in this branch of study.

Orthography. Primary classes composed of forty students, three other classes the average number of which is twelve scholars each. 

These classes were minutely examined by the Sub Commissioner, and the proficiency displayed by some of the students was really astonishing. No children of the same age and possessing no better opportunities could acquit themselves more creditably. 


other classes of less importance were not particularly examined by the Commissioner but it is believed, this school is conducted in such a manner as to leave little room from improvement.

The only defect observed by the Sub Com'r was the lack of a uniform system of school books, and this can only be remedied by having them provided either by the government or the association controlling and directing the school, as the parents of the children are generally in very indigent circumstances and unable even in most cases to pay the tuition fee of one dollar, per month as fixed by the Asst Commissioner of the State

The Sub Commissioner therefor recommends if it is practicable to do so that this school may be supplied by the public with suitable text books and charts for the instruction of 200 scholars. In concluding the report of this School it is proper to add that it is solely conducted by (2) two female Teachers and that these ladies report themselves unequal to the tasks of superintending so large a school and ask that a gentleman Teacher may be secured to aid them in this arduous work.

Preparations are now is progress and will doubtless soon be completed, for the establishment of other schools in different parts of this Sub District. one at Enterprise in the M. & O. R. R. and another four miles East from Meridian in Lauderdale Co. every facility will be afforded by the Sub Asst Com'r for the speedy consumation of these plans and when in operation every encouragement will be given to prescribe their usefulness and efficiency. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-25 14:03:38 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-25 22:11:26 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-27 12:15:44 changed "Lab" to "Sub" Commissioner