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Hd Qrs. Sub-dist. Meridian
Meridian Miss Nov 23rd

A Miles Esq 

Sir You are hereby summoned to appear at this Office Saturday Nov. 30th 1867 to answer chg preferred against you by Molly Bailey
A Thomas
Agt B R F & AL

Head Quarters Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss Nov 23. 1867

J. R. Mitchell of Lauderdale Co

You are hereby summoned to appear at this office on Wednesday Nov 27. at 10 AM to answer charge preferred against you by Louis & Max Mitchell freed men. 

Andrew Thomas
Agt B. R. F. & a L


Bureau Refugees Freedmen & AL
Office Sub Asst Comr
Meridian Miss Nov 25. 1867

Mr William Grantham
Lauderdale Co Miss

Joseph Williams (freedman) complains that you are indebted to him. you will make immediate payment to him or a satisfactory explanation to this office without delay.

Andrew Thomas
Agt B. R. F & A. L.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A. L.
Office Sub Ass't Com'r.
Meridian Miss Nov 25. 1867

To His Honor the Mayor
City of Enterprise
Clark Co Miss.

I am in receipt of a communication from Maj Gen'l O. O. Howard Commissioner B. R. F. & A. L. Washington D.C. enclosing an application from Elizabeth J. Marshall asking that transportation be furnished Harriet Windham and her two (2) children (freed people) from Enterprise Miss to Washington D.C.

I would respectfully request that you cause the necessary inquires to be made as to whether the above named freed people are likely to become a charge to the government and are entitled to transportation

desiring to receive an answer at your earliest

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