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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. L.
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist Meridian
Meridian Mis Nov 30th 1867

Col Thomas Ware
Enterprise Miss

You will please furnish the bearer of this with a copy of contract under which he worked for you and also come to this office on Wednesday December 4th 1867 at 10 oclock AM.

Very Respectfuly
Your Obdt Servt
Andrew Thomas
Agent in charge

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A L
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss Nov 30th 1867

Benj. House
October Station
You will please call at this office on Wednesday December 4th 1867 to answer complaint made by Jerry Turner (freedman)
Very Respectfuly 
Your Obdt Servt
Andrew Thomas
Agent in charge

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A L
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss Nov. 30 1867

Mrs Geo Grier
Lauderdale Co Miss

Will you please settle the claim of John Ginion freedman as he is in very destitute circumstances
Very Respectfuly
A. Thomas
B R F and A L.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A L
Office Sub Ass't Com'r.
Meridian Miss Dec 2, 67.
O. J. Smith Esq. Enterprise Miss.
Your communication of Nov 30th received and contents noticed the papers in the case of Bob Duke were referred to the Agent in Charge Sub District Raleigh. Raligh Miss
Your obt Se'vt
Andrew Thomas
Agt B. R. F. & A L

Transcription Notes:
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