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Bureau R. F. & A. Lands
Head Quarters Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss Dec 18, 1867. 

Merritt Barber
1st Lieut 34 U.S. Infty
A. A. A. Gen'l.
B. R. F. & A. L. 
Vicksburg Miss. 

I have the honor to transmit herewith a suppliment to deed of lot for colored school at this place.

I have the honor to be 
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Andrew Thomas
Agt B. R. F. & A. L. 

Bureau R. F. & A L.
Hd Qrs Sub Dist. Meridian
Meridian Miss Dec 18. 1867.

1 Lieut Merritt Barber.
34. U.S. Infty.
A. A. A. General B. R. F. & A. L
Vicksburg Miss.

I have the honor to forward herewith the affidavits of freedman Robert & Moses Graham of Enterprise Miss. in which it appears that citizen R. Kent of that place has violated General Orders # C. S. from Head Quarters, 4th Mil District Vicksburg Miss June 29, 1887.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Andrew Thomas
Agt. B.R.F. & AL

B.R.F. and A.L. - Hd Qrs. Subdist. Meridian
Meridian Miss. Dec. 18th 1867

Jno McCon Esq
Toomsuba Miss.

This is the second time I have had occasion to write you relative to the claim of S. Littlepage.

You are hereby ordered to appear at this office Saturday Dec 21st 1867 at 10 00 am - for the purpose of making a settlement-

A Thomas
pr S.

B.R.F. and AL Hd Qrs Subdist M.
Meridian Miss. Dec 18th 1867

R. Lloyd,

You will please come to this office Friday next Dec. 20th 1867 for that purpose of making a settlement with freedman Twilley -
at 10 00 am-

A Thomas
Agt. p S.