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Bureau R.F. and A. L.
Head Quarters, Sub District of Meridian
Meridian, Miss January 4th 1868

W.V.H. Smith.
Justice of the Peace.
Lauderdale County.

You will cause the arrest of Joseph Braggs (Freedman) and have him sent to this office immediately - to answer the charge of indebtedness and refusal to pay — Complaint has been made to the Civil Authorities who have failed to act in the case — Complaint made by Mary Short (Color'd) in behalf of her husband, who from old age is unable to come to these Head Quarters —

Very Respy
(Signed) A Thomas
Agent B.R.F. & A. L.

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.
Head Quarters, Sub District of Meridian
Meridian, Miss. Jany 6th 1868 —

Sheriff of Clark County

Sir -
Complaint having made at this office by Robert Campbell (Freedman) that he is being defrauded of his portion of the crop raised on the Plantation worked by L. Brown of Clark County, you will please see that Gen Orders #24, Head Qrs 4th Mil District is strictly complied with  -

Very Respy
Yours &c -
(Signed) Andrew Thomas
Agent &c-

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.
Head Quarters, Sub District of Meridian
Meridian, Miss. Jany 6th 1867

Joseph Terrell Esq.
Toomsuba, Miss.

Sir -
Nettie Miner has reported at this Office that you are indebted to her to the amount of $50.00. You will report at this Office Monday Jany 13, 1868 at 10. A.M. without fail — No excuse will be taken for your non-appearance.

Very Respy  
(Signed) Andrew Thomas
Agent &c.

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.
Head Qrs - Sub District of Meridian
Meridian Jany 7th 1868

Dr. J.P. Welch -
Old Town - Lauderdale Co.

Henderson Welch (Freedman) has complained that you decline paying the Notes in his posession — Please settle the matter or notify me by mail stating cause for non-payment —

Very Respectfully
Andrew Thomas
Agt - &c - 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-27 07:50:59