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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Head Quarters Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss January 21. 1867

To the Justice of the Peace
Beat No 5 Toomsuba Miss

Inquiry was made from this office of T.S. Pigford, one of the Arbitraters in the case of freedmen and Hill, v.s. Estate of P.H. Bozeman for a decision of the board. 

Mr. Pigford feigns ignorance of the decision of the board, Of he (Pigford) has no knowledge of the decision of the board, it was illegal.

You are responsible that the board properly convened, in accordance with Circular #24 from Head Quarters 4th Mil District.

You will please communicate with this Office whether or not the board was properly convened and if so what the decision was
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Andrew Thomas
Agt &c


Bureau Refugees Freedman & A. Lands
Head Quarters Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss January 21. 1868

Mr. T. S. Piegford
Toomsuba Miss.

Your communication dated Jan'y 20 in answer to an inquiry from this office requesting a copy of the decision of board of Arbitraters in the case of freedman & Hill v.s. P.H. Bozeman is received

You have not furnished the information desired, and which as one of the arbitrators you should be posessed of.

I am unable whether to construe you letter as a complaint of the authority of the Bureau, or ignorance of the requirements of Circular No 24 from Hd Quar 4 Mil Dist.

You are informed that decisions of all boards of Arbitrations are required to be recorded in this Office

The request in letter from this Office dated Jany 16. will be immediately complied with.
Andrew Thomas
Agt &c

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-27 16:08:06 Arbitraters Pigford (aka Piegford)