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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands -
Head Quarters, Sub District, Meridian -
Meridian, Miss January 23rd 1868

Junius Means -
Deputy Sheriff
Lauderdale County. 

Sir - 
You will please release M. Riffle form arrest upon his giving bond in the sum of (800.$) Eight hundred Dollars for his appearance when wanted - he (Riffle) paying Sheriffs costs -

Very Respectfully 
Andrew Thomas
Agent. Sub District of Meridian -

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands
Head Quarters. Sub District Meridian
Meridian, Miss. January 23rd 1868 -

Jasper Brown
Lauderdale Co -

Sir -
Eli Gordon has entered complaint at this Office that you are indebted to him to the amount of $72.00 which you refuse to pay - You will report at this office Saturday Jany 25th at 10. A.M. bringing evidence in the case -
Very Respectfully -

Andrew Thomas -
Agent Sub District of Meridian -
- G - 


Bureau R.F. and A. Lands-
Head Quarters, Sub District, Meridian -
Meridian, Miss. January 24th 1868 -

Merritt Barber -
1st Lieut - 34th U.S. Infantry
Acting Assistant Adjutant Genl
Bureau R.F. and A. Lands -
Vicksburg, Miss.

Sir -
I have the honor to submit the following report - Last September (1867) complaint was made at this office by four freedmen named respectively Wm. Heard - Jo Rea - Wm Lamar and H. Johnson - that Mat Riffle of Kewaunee Lauderdale Co - was trying to defraud them of his wages - Mr. Riffle was summoned four several times before making his appearance at this Office of the Sub Assistant Comm'r and then the summons had to be placed in the hands of the Sheriff - I placed him under a bond of (1000$) One Thousand dollars - to insure his appearance at this office when wanted - Sept 20th 1867 - a settlement was made and Mr Riffle gave his notes to the freedmen payable Nov 15 1867 - the freedmen deducting 33 1/3% from their accounts to insure a prompt payment at the time specified - The total amount due the freedmen is ($639.19½) Six hundred and thirty nine and 19½/100 dollars - Nov 16th 1867 - the freedmen reported at this Office that the notes had not been paid - On the 18th inst. I again ordered his arrest and placed him under bond of (800.$) Eight hundred dollars - to insure the payment of his notes - This proceeding was based upon a report that  

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-28 14:54:19