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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Head Quarter Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss January 27. 68

1st Lieut Merritt Barber
34th US Infantry
A.A.A. Gen'l BR and A.L.
Vicksburg Miss-

I have the honor to transmit herewith for approval. Receipt Rool of Hired Men for the month of December 1867, which 
was omitted on monthly return in consequence of having no blanks

I am sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Andrew Thomas
Agt &c

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L. 
Head Quarters Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss Jany 27. 1868

Joe Eakin
Sheriff Lauderdale Co Miss

Maj. Berry (freedmen) has complained at this office that John Vaughn of this Co is endeavoring to defraud him of his 
wages for services rendered, You will please see that a board or arbitration is appointed in compliance with circular 24 from Hd Qurs 4th Mil Dist dated Holly Springs Miss Dec 16th 67 Sheriffs fees attending the same to be paid prorata from the property arbitrated.

A. Thomas


Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A Lands
Head Quarters Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss Jany 27 68

A.V.H. White
Justice of the Peace

Yours of the 25th is at hand and contents noted. The decision of the board states that the Estate of P.H. Bozeman is indebted to freedmen to the amount of $294.15 but does not say how it shall be paid, In all cases boards of Arbitration have authority to make a final settlement, and to see that the freedmen are paid, please notify the board to that effect 

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Sevt
Andrew Thomas
Agt &c 

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A. Lands
Head Qrs Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss Jany 27, 1868

I am directed by the Bvt Maj Comdg to request you to furnish this Office with a copy of the bill filed in behalf of Mrs M.S. Price of Clark Co against D.F. Satter of said Co and the nature of the securities thereon.

Very Respectfully
Andrew Thomas
Agt &c

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-28 14:10:49