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Bureau Refugees Freedman & A Lands
Head Quarters Sub District Meridian
Meridian Miss January 27, 68

Sub Asst Com'r
B.R.F. and A. Lands.
Demopolis Ala,

I have the honor to request you to cause the arrest of a freedman named Fortame who is reputed to be in Livingston Ala. This freedman can be apprehended more readily as he has been shot through one of his arms (I think the right) recently. A charge of horse stealing was prefered against him here, and last Friday morning he very misteriously dissapeared before the preliminary examination took place. I am inclined to think the freedman innocent, and that being threatened he left to avoid further danger. the civil authorities here manifested no interest whatever in the matter, these facts have induced me to take action in the case, the necessity for immediate action prevents me from forwarding this through proper channels,

Vry Respectfuly
A. Thomas
Agt &c


Bureau R. F. and A. Lands -
Head Quarters. Sub District Meridian
Meridian, Miss. Jany 28th 1867 -

J.W. Sunderland -
Lieut. 24th U.S. Infantry -
Disbursing Officer -
Bureau R. F. and A. L. - 
Vicksburg - Miss -}

Sir -

I have the honor to transmit herewith corrected Vouchers of J.W. Phillips and Fallon Fulton & Co - for Month of December 1867-

I am, Sir -
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Andrew Thomas
Agent S.D. Meridian -

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L. 
Head Quarters Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss Jany 29 1868

Messrs Mayer & Dedrick
Memphis Tenn. 

Enclosed you will please find discharge papers of Major Berry private Co "F" 52d Regiment U.S. Cold Infty. If there is any Bounty due him please collect and return to me, please acknowledge receipt.

Very Respectfully
You Obt Sevt
Andrew Thomas
Agt &c.

Transcription Notes:
cannot make out one word on 1st page (181) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-27 12:23:49 changed J. "H." to "W." Sunderland changed U.S. "Gold" to "Cold" (Colored) Infty