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Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Head Quarters Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss January 31, 68

Merritt Barber
1st Lieut 34th U.S.I.
A. A. A. Gen'l B.R.F. & A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following Vouchers Reports &c pertaining to Bureau R. F. and A. Lands for the month ending January 31, 1868

No 1  Report of Operations
No 2  Report Complaints and Outrages
No 3  Report Officers and Enlisted Men
No 4  Report Civilian Employees
No 5  Report Persons and Articles Hired
No 6  Report Voucher of A. Thomas (Reimbursement)
No 7  Voucher of A. Thomas (Reimbursement)
No 8  Voucher of A. Thomas  Postage
No 9  Voucher of Fallon Fulton & Co
No 10 Voucher of Louis Tiner  
No 11 Voucher of J.N Bishop Teacher
No 12 Requisition for Fuel
No 13 Receipt Roll & Teachers School Reports

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Andrew Thomas
Agt &c.