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NARA 155

War Department, 
Adjutant General's office
Washington, D.C., July 26 1873

Lieut J. H. Counselman. 
1st Artillery
Disbursing officer, 
Charleston S. C. 

Referring to your letter of the 15th inst requesting to be advised of the course to be pursued to discover such claimants as have failed to appear for payments in accordance with notifications by letter, and through advertisement in the newspaper of Charleston, I have to inform you that this office is itself unadvised as to any practicable method by which such object might be affected. 
In this connection, attention is invited to the concluding paragraph of instructions from this office of Dec 5. 1872

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-09 12:38:47 Please read SI instructions. Do not close until there are two or fewer [?] remaining. Add NARA number if visible. Check the spelling before you hit "complete and mark for review" inst: "of this month". This usually appears with a date and reference to another document,