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NARA 214 

War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D.C. January 31 1874 

Lieut J.K. Hyer, 18th Infty, Disbursing Officer, Columbia S.C. 

Referring to your letter of the 25th inst, requesting instructions in the case of Westmore Talbott, late of Co D. 34th U.S.C.T. certain papers in which were submitted to this office by Lieut J.H. Counselman, 1st Artillery, under date of November 3 1873; I have to inform you that, if the soldier has died, as is indicated by the papers mentioned, the amount of the claim in your hands should, in accordance with Circular from this office of February 5 1873 be deposited to the credit of the United States, and the original certificate of deposit be forwarded, through this office to the Secretary of the Treasury, accompanied by

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